Recovery and The Burrow

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Harry woke up the next morning feeling 100% better, but now he had to deal with his friends and loved ones after finding out he was poisoned. Draco took Minerva's Floo into Hogwarts to visit Harry, needing to talk to him more than ever. After hearing about the incident he dropped all plans and rushed over, meeting Severus at the infirmary.

Severus sat on the edge of Harry's bed, reading his little mini leather book of rare ingredients harvested by magical creatures.

"Mr. Malfoy you can't just bust through the doors unannounced!!!" Poppy yelled, quickly running after Draco with a huff!

Severus and Harry exchanged a look of alarm, immediately looking towards the sound coming from the front of the doors.

Draco pushed his way through all the closed privacy screens and curtains, seeing Harry and Severus at the very back of the infirmary. "What's happened?! Who did it?!"

Harry smiled at Draco as he came to stand by the headboard of the bed. "I'm fine now! Poppy is going to let me go in a few hours." He reassured, his eyes wide as Poppy charged in after Draco.

"I told you not to come in without permission!!!" Poppy wagged her finger as she approached Draco.

Draco whipped his head around, sending Poppy a large glare.

Poppy sighed heavily, taking a slight step back. "I want no nonsense from any of you!" She scolded, walking out.

Draco rolled his eyes as she left, turning back to Harry. "A very clumsy owl delivered a letter, it said you'd been poisoned!"

Harry sighed. "I'm not quite sure how though...I've only been around you, Severus, and Hermione and you guys would never do that to me so....I'm a bit perplexed."

Severus turned a page in his book, looking up to scowl at Draco. "That clumsy owl use to belong to Sirius Black, mind your tongue!"

Draco winced, looking at Harry. "Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, you didn't know." Harry sat up, patting the spot next to him. "You look troubled, anything happen while I was incapacitated?"

Draco sat down, looking at Severus. "Can we talk about it later?"

Harry looked at Severus. "Sev you mind giving us a minute? Hermione should be coming soon too can you wait for her outside the doors for me?"

Severus glared at Draco, but he wouldn't want to argue with Harry after what he went through. "Don't forget to take another Pepper Up before you leave here today." He leaned down, kissing Harry's forehead before walking out.

Draco waited till he heard the doors closed up front. "Harry." He tugged at the blankets, getting under them next to him. "Harry something awful happened!"

"Awful how?" Harry asked, starting to become concerned.

"Wait! Did you just say Hermione was coming?" Draco frowned dramatically.

"I thought you and Hermione were going to try and be friends!" Harry leaned against Draco. "Did you get in a fight? Is that what this awful thing is?" He asked, wrapping his arm around his waist.

"Not...exactly a fight umm..." Draco ran a hand nervously through his silver hair, pulling his knees to his chest. "The other day...well I went down to see her new flat, and you see...she sort of gave me a handjob."

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