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Harry and Draco walked silently back to Minerva's office, Draco was internally freaking out at what Harry had said to him before they walked into the Dursley's house. Harry opened the office door for Draco after they rode the stairs up, smirking darkly at him as he walked inside.

Harry was thankful that Minerva wasn't there, not wanting to get into the details of what happened, choosing to tell her at another time.

Draco looked at Harry as they both stepped into the floo, alarmed at the look he got. "Harry you okay?" He asked nervously.

Harry took a handful of the Floo powder. "Oh I'm fine! Now comes the fun part!" He cleared his throat, throwing down the Floo powder. "Godric's Hollow house!!!"

Draco bolted for the stairs the second they touched down in Harry's living room.

Harry calmly walked into the house, tapping the ash from his shoes as he watched Draco run upstairs.

Draco quickly ran into his own bedroom, stuffing himself inside the closet. "Shit!" He cursed, smacking his head as he forced himself to the very back of the closet.

Harry walked upstairs, seeing the door of Draco's room slightly ajar. "Where could Draco be?" He said out loud, rolling up his cuffed sleeves of his button down shirt. "He's not hiding from me is he?" He asked rhetorically to himself, walking into the bedroom.

Draco's eyes widened as he heard Harry enter the room, covering his mouth behind his hand.

Harry smelled Draco's cologne, looking around. "I'll count to 5, if you're not out here by the time I get to 5 your punishment will doubled." He took his glasses off. "1!"

Draco swallowed harshly as he thought about it, not wanting to be in even more trouble than he already was.

"2!" Harry set his glasses down on the nightstand.

Draco parted the clothes he hid behind, seeing Harry standing in the middle of his bedroom through the wooden blind slats of the closet.

"3!" Harry snapped, taking his wand out.

Draco felt his heart sharply jump, his body fighting with him when he tried to move. Just go out there! Don't be afraid of Harry fucking Potter!

"4!!!" Harry yelled, turning his attention at the closet door.

Draco quickly came out of the closet at the escalation of Harry's voice.

Harry smirked at Draco. "Wise choice." He walked backwards to stand next to the bed. "Sit." He pointed his wand at the edge of the bed.

"Is this really necessary???" Draco asked nervously, taking a step back.

"Sit! Now!" Harry snapped louder.

Draco winced, sitting down on the bed next to where Harry stood.

"You saw the memories I shared against my will, you forced me to share and experience things I never wanted to go through again." Harry turned to Draco fast, standing over him.

Draco felt his body stiffen in fear, the look in Harry's eyes making his palms sweat. "I'm sorry-"

Harry shoved Draco down on his back, leaning over him. "Sorry isn't going to fix this, you almost got me caught by Vernon! You saw the things he did to me, and yet you forced us inside their house!"

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