Regretful Actions

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Authors Note
⚠️ WARNING!!! Chapter contains non-consent and rape, any rude or negative comments will be deleted, read at your own risk!!⚠️

Severus was going utterly mad going to classes without Harry, his mind regretting everything that had happened over the past month. He needed to see him, after his talk with Hermione all he could think about was Harry and how he had made a terrible mistake allowing Harry to go.

Harry hadn't left Draco's side in days, needing some time to himself. He knew sneaking away would cause a horrid lecture when he got back, but it was the last day before he started working at Draco's lab and he needed some fun.

Draco was still asleep in Harry's bed, snoring softly in a deep sleep.

Harry quietly snuck out, showering with a silencing charm placed over himself to ensure his timely escape. He means well, I know why he wants to watch me...but I need some time! He apparated into Hogsmeade, landing a bit stiff but overall without his past struggle.

The streets were crowded on a Sunday morning, children and their families out shopping and enjoying sweets as the snow began to fall.

Harry was glad he decided to dress warm as the snow became heavier after a few shopping trips to honey dukes for chocolate, and The Hogshead to replenish his Whiskey supply.

Severus was passing the nearby corner when he spotted Harry in a baggy red hoodie and Gryffindor striped scarf, in disbelief that they wound up in the same place. This is my chance...I must talk to him!

Harry shrunk all his items down, stuffing the small bags into Hermione's old magic bag he borrowed for the millionth time over the years. I feel like I'm being...watched? Well I'm always looked at aren't I? He thought to himself with an aggravated sigh, walking towards the joke shop.

A thin black gloved hand reached out from an alleyway, grabbing Harry roughly by the scarf.

Harry choked harshly as he was ripped forward into the dusty snow covered alleyway. "What the fu-Severus?!" He froze, relaxing once he saw the scowling face.

"Potter why haven't you come back to Hogwarts?! What's this business about going to work with Draco?!" He spat in question, his breath coming out in little white puffs in the cold air.

Harry scowled at his red faced Ex boyfriend. "Severus I'm not in the bloody mood." He started to walk away.

Severus grabbed Harry by the shoulder, apparating fast in a loud POP of black light.

Harry landed harshly in the middle of Severus's apartment in Spinners End, catching himself before he stumbled. "Severus what the actual hell do you want?!" He growled, tapping the snow from his sneakers.

Severus took off his coat and scarf. "Well since you refuse to see me, I had to bring you somewhere you couldn't escape from without talking first." He took his gloves off, scowling at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Well if I'm here, I might as well make coffee." He dragged his feet each step he took, making his way to Severus's kitchen. He tossed the snowy scarf and hoodie onto the kitchen table, pressing the red button.

Severus listened to the coffee maker beep. "You need to explain yourself right now!" He stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

Harry watched the coffee spill into the small round pitcher. "Oh I do huh? Seems to me you're the one who has that problem." He sniped with his back turned, taking out one of the large wide mugs from the cream colored cabinet.

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