Curls and Sleepovers

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Draco stared at Hermione in severe confusion, wondering if he heard her wrong. Maybe the brewed tea was messing with his mind, or maybe Hermione was trying to mess with him. What if she actually liked him?!

Draco's hands shook as he squeezed the fancy china teacup in his hands. "You want to be...more than friends with me?" He swallowed the lump that creeped up his throat. "What does that mean?"

"Well...we both are adults now." Hermione knocked back her 3rd cup of tea, setting the teacup back on the tray. "There's no reason why we can't...enjoy each other's company." She moved her hand further up Draco's leg.

Draco laughed nervously, keeping his leg crossed to hide his arousal. "This tea is...interesting." He ignored Hermione's verbal advances, shyly sipping it.

"It took me years to perfect it." Hermione squeezed Draco's knee. "It's made to relax the body physically, calm the mind, and soothe any anxiety or stress which of course makes you feel very high and floaty." She tiptoed her fingers up higher. "How do you feel?"

Draco winced as his erection pressed painfully against his zipper. Why am I so excited?! She's a girl! "Well umm...a bit nervous and...curious." His silver eyes wandered over her, raising a brow.

"Curious about what?" Hermione asked, squeezing the middle of Draco's thigh.

Draco downed the rest of his tea, officially high as a kite. "Granger this is not a good idea...I've never been with a girl and I don't even think I like girls." His face was flushed all the way down to his neck.

"Uh-huh so what's that?" Hermione asked, pointing to Draco's crotch.

Draco's eyes wandered down to where she pointed, quickly turning his back to her when he noticed. "Sorry! Sorry I can't help it! The tea...or something, I don't know!"

Hermione giggled loudly at Draco's reaction. "Don't apologize to me Malfoy, it's okay." She came closer with her knees on the cushion of the sectional.

Draco's eyes widened as he felt her lean over him. "Don't!"

Hermione put her hands on Draco's shoulders from behind, leaning against his back. "Can I say something?" She whispered.

Draco felt her breasts press against his back, her breath brushing the back of his neck when she spoke. "Sure? What is it?"

"I don't mind that you're excited, I'm flattered that you feel that way." Hermione softly spoke near Draco's ear.

"I think it's the tea...I should go!" Draco started panicking, his body betraying him.

"Please stay." Hermione leaned further against Draco, her hands dipping into the collar of his button down shirt. "I don't want you to go."

Draco looked over his shoulder at her hand, slowly bringing his hand to cover hers. "What do you want to do? If I stay?" This is insane...I've never been with a girl before...she's being so forward!

Hermione leaned away to pour the tea. "Please get comfy! Let's drink some more and talk."

Draco grabbed one of the fluffy pillows, covering himself as he leaned his back against the cushion of the sectional.

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