Parchment and Poison

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Harry woke up alone in Severus's bed, seeing a note on Severus's pillow. He read it with a sleepy rub of his eyes, finding out Severus was called away to the Muggle part of London to spy on a suspicious report of a 'creature' stalking Muggles through the streets.

Harry was excited that Severus trusted him enough to leave him alone in his apartment, free to spy and look around at the various personal items. He hopped out of bed only to receive a horrible wave of nausea.

He raced to the bathroom across the hallway, clinging to the black porcelain rim. Harry felt cold chills travel down his back as he vomited harshly with his head in the toilet.

Why am I sick???
I didn't eat anything bad did I?
I feel like I'm gonna...

Harry puked another round into the toilet, rocked by the overwhelming sensation of nausea...

After a few minutes of deep breaths, Harry managed to stand. "Bugger!" He cursed himself, slowly taking a few steps into the hall. Moving seemed to trigger the nauseous feeling, Harry was getting very annoyed at this new feeling, rubbing his face with a sigh. What is wrong with me?!?!

Harry eventually made it to the kitchen, turning on Severus's Muggle coffee maker. He listened to the coffee slowly brew and spill into the container, turning the sink on to splash water on his face.

Tttsssssss!!!!! The coffee maker hissed as it finished the pot of black dark roast.

Harry poured himself a mug of coffee, adding the sugar and creamer. He lifted it to his lips, suddenly overcome by another wave of nausea at the scent of the coffee. "Shit!" He cursed, puking down the sink for the third time since waking up. "Oh bloody hell!" He groaned, holding his head a few inches above the garbage disposal. I think I need to go see Poppy...


Draco woke Saturday morning after having a horrible nightmare, moments of his Father beating him bloody tortured him all night, robbing him of his beauty rest. Confusion swirled around his mind at the events of yesterday morning, making him question his sexuality.

Draco eventually forced himself out of bed, lazily showering and dragging his feet all morning. He was grateful for the weekend, not having the strength to do much of anything. I liked a girl touching me...but all growing up I didn't want girls...what does this mean?

He wound up in front of Hermione's door again, sitting on the basement steps as he stared at the painted door...thinking...

Draco rolled his eyes at himself, feeling stupid that he was so confused. I'm 20 years old! I shouldn't be this lost...but she smelled so nice and her hands were so petite and soft...fuck I hate myself for this but...I need confirmation! He stood fast, marching up to the door about to knock.

Hermione opened the door about to leave, gasping when she saw Draco with his hand up. "Malfoy? What a coincidence! I was going to come invite you to breakfast!"

Draco got a whiff of bacon and french toast, his annoyance forgotten momentarily as his stomach began to rumble. "Breakfast you say? Well maybe I could come in for a bit."

Hermione smiled, opening the door. "Come in then! I made breakfast only a moment ago so it's still hot!"

Draco walked in, seeing the breakfast assortment laid out on the kitchen island. "Wow! There's so much of it, do you normally cook this much?" He took one of the plates, loading up on bacon, eggs, and 2 syrup covered pieces of french toast.

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