Book Four: Chapter 3

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Agent Rolf entered the surveillance room that monitored the interrogation room, where he found General Maxwell studying the window that provided a clear view of Roger. The general was in his late middle age, dressed in a green uniform decorated with badges of his accomplishments. He had a bald head and a white mustache that appeared to be combed.

"What do you think?" Rolf asked as he looked through the window.

The general turned to him. "I'd say he's lost his mind. Many survivors lose their sanity after a disaster. Perhaps the experience has affected his mind as well."

Rolf frowned. "I'm not so sure. What if he's telling the truth? If there's a being more dangerous than the creatures, we need to make it our top priority."

The general sighed. "Do what you need to do, but don't take an army with you. I need to keep enough men to protect civilians from the monsters. You have my full authority."

Rolf smiled. "Thank you, sir. A small expedition team will suffice."

General Maxwell gave Rolf a skeptical look. "You'd better be right about this."

Rolf nodded and left the room. He knew the general trusted him and his organization, which had never failed the government. But he hoped his instincts wouldn't lead him astray.

Rolf entered the interrogation room and closed the door behind him. Roger raised his head from the table and looked at the agent.

"Will you free us?" he asked.

Rolf smirked and uncuffed Roger's wrists. "If you want to find the golden apples, you'll have to follow my orders. I'm the only one who can get you out of here. Without me, you and your monster don't stand a chance against the military. Do you understand?"

Roger rubbed his wrists and nodded at the agent.


As Agent Rolf and Roger approached the monster holding center, a feeling of unease washed over Roger. The center was more like a prison than a zoo, with mythical creatures trapped in cages and looking miserable.

As they walked through the center, Roger couldn't help but notice three creatures in particular. The first was a centaur, a creature with a human upper body and a horse lower body, locked in a large iron cage. The centaur was pacing back and forth, its hooves clanging against the stone floor, its human upper body slumped forward, and its eyes downcast.

The second creature was a reptile man, a scaly green-skinned monster with sharp claws, locked in a smaller but sturdy iron cage. The reptile man was sitting in the corner of its cage, its head in its hands, its eyes dull and lifeless, and its once sharp claws now hanging limply at its sides.

The third creature was a sphinx, a creature with a lion's body and a human's head. It was locked in a massive cage that took up most of the room. The sphinx's once-proud head was now bowed, its eyes closed, and its lion's tail twitching back and forth, a sign of its agitation.

Roger felt a sense of pity for these creatures, as they were miserable and trapped, longing for their freedom. Could the Cerberus women, Katina, Labda, and Cilla, be feeling the same way?

Rolf and Roger finally arrived at the holding cell of the Cerberus women. The three-headed creature was pacing back and forth, growling in frustration as it became more and more restless with each passing moment.

As soon as Rolf and Roger entered the room, Katina, the first head of the Cerberus women, growled at Rolf. However, Roger quickly stepped in, trying to calm the situation. "Katina, please. Rolf is here to help us find the golden apple tree. He's going to help us stop Eris."

Katina was skeptical and her eyes narrowed as she looked at Rolf. "How can we trust him? His warriors attacked us and locked us here!" Cilla, the third head, was not sure either. "I'm not sure I want to trust him either. We've been let down by humans before."

Labda, the second head, had a different perspective. "I believe in Roger. If he thinks Rolf can help us, then we should at least hear him out."

After a lengthy discussion, the Cerberus women finally agreed to give Rolf a chance. They wanted to escape from their current situation and stop Eris from causing any more destruction.

Rolf cleared his throat and caught the attention of the Cerberus women. "I promise you, I will do everything in my power to help you find the golden apple tree. But we need to work together. The military is busy catching the monsters and we cannot waste any more time."

Katina nodded, still wary but willing to cooperate. "Alright, we'll work with you. But if you betray us, we'll tear you apart." Rolf smirked, used to dealing with the skepticism of mythical creatures. "Understood. Let's get ready to leave."

As they prepared to leave the monster holding center, Roger felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. They were finally taking a step toward their goal of finding the golden apple tree and stopping Eris. He just hoped that they could trust Rolf and that everything would go according to plan.

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