Book Four: Chapter 20

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Different types of Deep One creatures surrounded Roger, Labda, Katina, and Cilla near the lake. There are black fish men, infected humans with tentacles on their backs, and tall muscular brutes covered in seaweed.

"There are too many," Labda said.

"Then we'll die fighting!" Katina growled, readying her fists.

Before the monsters could charge, a bright light beam flashed down from the sky, causing Roger and the Cerberus women to drop their mouths in amazement. A group of figures floated down from the sky. They were the Greek gods; Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hephaestus, Artemis, Ares, Athena, Apollo, and Hermes. The Gods landed on the ground, facing the monsters.

Roger was stunned. "The Greek Gods… in Tokyo?"

Hades appeared from a black smoke cloud and approached Zeus. "About time you showed up," he grumbled.

Zeus smiled. "Better than never."

Hades rolled his eyes. Roger and the Cerberus women approached him.

"You summoned them?" Labda asked.

Hades nodded. "Yes, but we have no time to talk about it."

Zeus spotted Eris on Cthulhu's head. "Eris!"

Eris looked down, stunned. "You… you came here?"

Zeus addressed her firmly. "End this madness now!"

Hera added, "If you come home with us peacefully, we will show you mercy!"

Eris grew furious. "Never! Earth is my world now! You won't take me back to being an inferior goddess!"

She pointed her finger down. "Minions of Cthulhu! Attack!"

All the monsters charged, but Cthulhu stood back and watched.

Roger was in the thick of battle, surrounded by Deep One creatures of all shapes and sizes. He swung his fist at two fish men, landing a solid hit on one of them. The other one lunged forward, but Cilla blocked its attack with her sword.

Roger then noticed an eel man creature slithering toward him. It wrapped its long, slimy body around him, tightening its grip. The creature's jaws snapped dangerously close to Roger's face. Just as he thought he was done for, Agent Rolf appeared in his werewolf form. He grabbed the creature by the head and bit it off with a loud crunch.

"Thanks, Rolf," Roger said, relieved.

"No problem. Let's keep moving," Rolf replied, panting.

They continued to fight their way through the horde of monsters. Roger glanced up at the ongoing battle between the Greek gods and Eris. Zeus and Poseidon struck down hordes of creatures with lightning bolts and tidal waves, while Hera and Artemis rained down arrows on them from above.

In the midst of the chaos, Roger heard a cry.

"Roger, we need help!" Labda's voice shouted from a distance. "The lake!"

Roger signaled to Rolf and they fought their way to the edge of the battle, where they could see Labda, Katina, and Cilla by the lake. They were surrounded by a group of seaweed monsters.

"We need to help them," Roger said.

"Let's do it," Rolf replied, charging forward.

They fought their way to their teammates' side, taking out the brutes and infected humans with tentacles on their backs. The gods were still battling the monsters, but Roger could see that they were starting to gain the upper hand.

Suddenly, a massive creature emerged from the lake. It looked like a giant squid without a face.

Roger and the Cerberus women exchanged worried glances as the massive creature rose from the water. Its tentacles were as thick as trees, and its glowing eyes stared down at them with malice.

"Focus all your energy on that monster!" Zeus shouted, and the gods launched their most powerful attacks. Roger and the Cerberus women charged forward with Hades, determined to do their part.

The ground shook as the two sides collided, and the battle intensified. Hephaestus created a massive explosion that sent the creature staggering back, while Athena struck the monster's head with her spear. Ares used his sword to slice through its tentacles, and Artemis rained down arrows from above.

Finally, Zeus channeled all his power and struck the creature with a thunderbolt. The monster roared in pain and collapsed to the ground, twitching and writhing.

But the victory was short-lived. Eris, consumed with rage, screamed, "This is not over yet! Cthulhu! Attack!"

Cthulhu chuckled and marched forward to attack the Greek gods, his immense form dwarfing them all. Roger and the Cerberus women joined the fight, launching their attacks at the monstrous deity's feet.

But Cthulhu was too powerful, too immense, and too otherworldly. His tentacles flail about, striking the gods and their allies with deadly force. Roger felt the wind knocked out of him as a tentacle slammed into his chest, sending him flying backward.

He landed hard on the ground, gasping for breath, and saw Agent Rolf charging at Cthulhu in his werewolf form. Rolf's jaws snap shut around one of Cthulhu's tentacles, and the creature roared in pain.

But it was not enough. Cthulhu slapped the werewolf away into a tree.

The gods launched their attacks with renewed vigor, but it seemed like a losing battle. Even Hades, with all his dark magic, was unable to stop the creature.

As Cthulhu's tentacles sweep through the air, Roger realizes that this might be the end. He's fought valiantly, but it seems like there's no way to stop the monstrous deity.

This could be the end.

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