Book One: Chapter 15

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From the stairway, Roger dashed up to the rooftop and looked around. "Katina! Labda! Cilla!"

The Cerberus woman should still be around the station since he saw her through the chief's back window. She was the only one who could fight the monsters.

While the wind blew through his hair, Roger cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled louder. "Katina! Cilla! Labda!"

He hoped his fellow cops below didn't hear him screaming, or else they would run up and question him. Roger couldn't let them see Labda, Cilla, and Katina, or else they would shoot them. Sometimes cops become afraid and shoot first before asking their questions. "Labda-"

A large hand grabbed his face from behind, covering his mouth. The other arm held him below his waist, and two large breasts squeezed against his back. Both were fluffy and warm.

"Silence, you retard!" Katina's voice whispered sharply. "You will get us caught!"

After the three-headed beast woman released him, Roger caught his breath and turned around. "Where were you?"

"Hiding, of course," said Labda with her arms crossed.

"But I saw you through my chief's window."

Cilla giggled. "Yeah. Heeheehee. We wanted to let you know we're here, cutie."

"Thanks, but they could have spotted you."

"But nobody saw us," said Labda. "We are silent as a mouse."

Roger doubted that. Anyone could hear a three hundred pound eight-foot-tall beast woman moving around. If there was a ninja academy, they would fail it immediately. "Never mind, I need your help."

"What's in it for us?" Katina asked.

"There are two monsters robbing a museum. I need you to help my fellow officers fight them."

"But I thought you told us to hide from them?" Cilla asked.

"Yes, but don't fight the monsters in their sight. Try to get rid of them before the cops come in."

"And what if they see us?" Labda asked.

"Then retreat while taking the monsters with you," Roger suggested.

Labda rubbed her chin. "I don't see why our present matters when we have to fight our foes."

"Yeah, what if we can't drag them away?" Cilla asked. "The guardsmen will see us, anyway."

Roger scratched the back of his head. "I know it sounds difficult, but I don't want you getting shot."

Katina laughed. "It will take a hundred arrows to take us down!"

Roger waved his hands. "No, not arrows. We use bullets."

Labda's pointy ears rose. "Bullets?"

"They are small balls that can fly through armor and skin. Faster than arrows, and deadly. If you get shot, it will be very painful. Many more can kill you."

"Then maybe we should let the bastards kill the monsters instead," Katina suggested.

Labda glared at her. "We don't know which monsters they are, Katina. What if they have magic? We all know humans can't fight monsters unless they are demigods."

"But we fought monsters before Hades turned us to this! Anyone can fight monsters."

Roger blinked his eyes. "You were human?"

Cilla smiled. "It is a long story. We'll explain next time."

Katina growled. "He need not know shit, Cilla. He can't even fight a monster himself."

Roger glared. "At least I tried!"

Katina giggled. "In your dreams."

Roger wished he could punch Katina, but she might bite his hand off before he could touch her. Still, she had no right to insult him for trying to save his friend. Feeling worthless won't make him a better cop.

He rubbed his head across his forehead. "Look..... You are here to fight them, right? Just do whatever you have to do before my friends get hurt. Understand?"

Katina held up a finger. "If we do, get us more of that pizza."

"A bath would be nice too," Labda added.

Roger rubbed his eyelids. Giving her a bath might be a challenge, but ordering pizza shouldn't be. He knew a place that was still open for twenty-four hours. "Fine, but can we go now?"

The beast woman kneeled down with their back bent forward.

"Climb up," said Labda. "We can move faster."

Roger shrugged and hopped onto the monster's large back. He wrapped his arms gently around Labda's neck to remain secure.

While holding on, he could feel the beast's warm, soft body and smell sulfur from her hair. It was kind of like hugging a giant dog with an odd smell. But it actually felt good, but not strangely.

"If your feet touch our ass, you're dead," Katina whispered.

Roger gulped and held his feet up. Why couldn't he stay comfy?

"Let's go!" Labda shouted.

The girls rose and dashed toward the roof edge. From the edge, they jumped through the air, flying quickly.

Roger screamed, now regretting himself for riding on the beast woman. He whether wash their giant furry nude body instead of riding on their back.

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