Book Four: Chapter 8

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The Pacific Ocean was experiencing a terrible storm as the clouds gathered into a swirling mass of darkness, and heavy rain drizzled down. The cold wind howled through the grey atmosphere, creating towering waves. On a small fishing boat, Eris emerged from the cabin and walked towards the front, standing at the edge with her arms outstretched. The chaotic energy of the storm swirled around her, and she savored the icy sensation coursing through her body. It was as if she was embracing the storm to arouse herself.

Eris had commandeered the fishing boat after leaving the Himalayas to reach her destination. Her journey had been long, but she knew it would be worth it. As she looked down into the water, she could feel a darkness shiver through her from below. She must be close.

She strode towards the front glass window of the boat and knocked on it. "Stop here," she ordered.

The fisherman, who she had under her control, pulled the lever on the controls, and the boat came to a stop, rocking as small waves hit it.

Eris climbed onto the rail, standing over the edge. As a goddess, she didn't need a diving suit or a submarine. The lack of oxygen and pressure would not affect her. She took a deep breath and dived into the water, her feet paddling like a dolphin into the void. With her lips closed, the water did not invade her lungs, although the bubbles tickled her nose. She swam for about a hundred minutes until she stopped near a reef mountain. In her nocturnal vision, she could see shadows of mountains and rocks towering over the black floor. But there was no sign of the ruined city yet.

Suddenly, a large deep-water shark dashed towards her, opening its mouth to bite her. The sea creature probably assumed she was another fish to consume, but no goddess could ever become dinner. Eris faced the shark and held up her palm, which glowed purple. The great white shark stopped before it touched her, and its eyes glowed purple, now under her control. The creature was as big as a horse, and it could swallow a man with one gulp. Indeed, many sea giants dwelled in the depths where no mortal dared to explore. But Eris was only interested in one giant.

She wiggled her finger, ordering the shark to swim close to her. The shark swam forward, and Eris mounted it. She pointed her finger down at the green haze at the bottom, and the shark understood her command, swimming down. While riding on the shark, no other beast should bother her. She had no time to wrestle a giant squid or punch a bigger shark. She had kept her patience to herself for long enough.

The alien ocean landscape in the South Pacific was quiet and peaceful, yet dark and dangerous. Maybe too peaceful, but Eris liked the cold dark water chilling through her immortal flesh. It was a good place for monsters to rest in peace.

Further and further, she soon spotted the ruins embedded in a vast plain valley at the bottom of the deepest reaches of the sea. With glowing orbs glittering like stars over the valley, Eris could see the city's strange architecture within its green glow. The buildings were all non-euclidean stone structures of black rocks. They had vast angles, unnecessary tints, and loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions that could be confessed to onlookers. Great stone pillars swirled and twisted over the dark cripple streets with barely any sea life. Some structures were concave and convex as if giants bent them out of shape.

At the center of the oceanic world was the hideous monolith-crowned citadel, the source of Eris's interest. It was said to be impenetrable, with a powerful magic binding the giant she sought inside. Eris was not one to shy away from a challenge, especially when it involved freeing a powerful being that could aid her in her quest for chaos and destruction.

Eris urged the shark forward, its powerful tail propelling it towards the citadel. As they approached, the green glow surrounding the city intensified, and the shark began to slow down, sensing the magical energy that permeated the area. Eris could feel the same energy pulsing through her, and she shivered with anticipation.

Finally, they arrived at the citadel's entrance, a massive stone archway that led into the heart of the structure. Eris dismounted from the shark and approached the archway, placing her hand on the stone. The magic surged through her, and she closed her eyes, concentrating.

With a loud rumble, the archway began to move, grinding open to reveal a dark, twisting passage that led deep into the citadel. Eris stepped forward, and the passage swallowed her whole.

Inside, the air was thick and musty, and Eris's eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim light. She could feel the presence of the giant nearby, and her heart began to race. She knew she had to move quickly, or she might be trapped forever.

"Who dares enter my domain?" a booming voice echoed through the corridor.

Eris kept walking forward, her steps echoing against the stone walls. "I am Eris, goddess of chaos and discord. I have come to release you from your prison."

The giant's laughter shook the walls. "You think you can free me? The magic that binds me is powerful. Even a goddess cannot break it."

Eris smiled, knowing she had a secret weapon. "I am not just any goddess. I possess the power of the ancient ones, the beings that created the universe itself. With their power, I can break any magic."

The giant fell silent, and Eris could feel his skepticism. But she continued to walk forward, her confidence growing with each step. She reached the end of the corridor, where a massive iron door stood in her way. With a wave of her hand, the door creaked open, revealing the giant trapped inside.

He was enormous, towering over Eris like a mountain. His skin was the color of dark jade, and his eyes glowed like embers. He was chained to the wall, his massive arms bound by heavy iron shackles. But as Eris approached, she could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"You truly possess the power of the ancient ones," he said. "You are the one I have been waiting for."

Eris nodded. "Yes, I am. And I will release you from your prison, but you must do something for me in return."

The giant raised an eyebrow. "What could a goddess want from me?"

Eris smiled. "I need your help to unleash chaos upon the mortal world."

The creature groaned. "And what will I get in return after you free me?"

The goddess spread a malicious grin across her purple lips. "Whatever pleases you."

The giant's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and excitement. "Very well, goddess. I accept your offer."

Eris laughed. Time to begin her work.

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