Book One: Chapter 20

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Medusa and Lewis strolled through an alley toward the warehouse district. She was back in her human form, so nobody on the street would notice her strange appearances. Lewis kept his hood over his deformity.

They have been walking for so long; the sun was already raising. Medusa yawned, but she kept rubbing her eye pupils to keep moving. She needed to examine the Cetus's head to figure out how she could reanimate him. And her mind was like a library, full of knowledge.

Lewis doesn't look tired. He kept walking with his purple eyes widened. Perhaps golem minions don't need sleep to help their stone bodies to recover. Her magic fueling inside him kept him in motion. Without it, he would remain as a mindless statue.

Medusa yawned again. Maybe sleep first should help her prepare her mind for studying the artifact.

"Tired?" Lewis asked, strolling behind her.

Medusa rubbed her right eye. "A little, but I am too excited about my victory."

"You should rest before our enemies find us. I'm not sure I need rest too."

"You don't, that's why I changed you into that form. You are stronger and flawless."

"Maybe, but how long?"

Medusa sighed. "As long as I need you. But you're right. I should get some sleep today."

"I will watch over you."

Medusa smiled at him. You make a delightful pet.

Past two more buildings, they reached the warehouse, now in full view beneath the sunlight. It looked more damaged than how it appeared last night.

Pieces of dry wood fluttered off its surface, windows remained broken, and a potent smell of seaweed drifted through the air.

Of course, they were close to the ocean, but Medusa never saw it when Lewis brought her to his hideout. Still, she couldn't wait to relax on the couch. It may not be a beautiful soft queen-size bed, but it will do until Medusa could conquer the human world.

After Lewis pulled the door open, Medusa peeked through and dropped her mouth. She almost thought nobody else could find her secret lair. How foolish of herself.

Inside the warehouse, two women were eating bags of chips while watching the television set. As Medusa gained a closer look, she realized they weren't human at all.

The tallest brown woman has two sharp black horns on her head above her long black hair. Bull horns kind of. She wore a white tank top, exposing her massive thick muscular arms, and skinny cut off black shorts that gave her colossus legs some breathing over her black combat boots. Her chisel face was a little narrow with a golden ring, hanging through her bull snort. Long ears pointy and a long tail with black hair on the tail's tip that could be mistaken for a brush.

Her companion, sitting next to her on the couch, appeared human with short raven brunette hair, blue eyes, red lips, and creamy Caucasian skin. Unlike her companion, she has an outstanding beauty that would make Medusa very jealous, However, the woman's long scorpion tail, sticking out from under her red dress, would scare away her admirers.

"Who's in god's name are you two?" Medusa shouted.

The two monster women stopped their munching and glanced at Medusa. Pieces of chips covered their mouths.

"Who the f**k are you?" the minotaur woman asked.

"I am Medusa, and this is my lair!"

"I thought nobody lives here," said the scorpion woman. "This blows!"

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