Book Four: Chapter 13

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As the group emerged from the cave, they were greeted by the bright sunlight and the fresh mountain air. Roger, the Cerberus women, and Agent Rolf stepped out, their faces etched with disappointment as they looked around. The golden apple tree that they had traveled so far to find was gone, vanished without a trace. But as they turned to leave, there was a sudden burst of commotion.

"Look at Roger!" Cilla exclaimed, pointing to the once average-looking man. The group turned their attention to Roger, who was now radiating a newfound strength and power. His muscles bulged as he flexed, and his entire demeanor seemed to have changed. "He bit one of the apples," Labda said, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Rolf was quick to confirm what the women had already suspected. "He's become a demigod," he declared, "Still mortal, but far stronger than any human being."

Roger flexed his new-found strength, a grin of excitement spreading across his face. To test his newfound abilities, he reached down and picked up a large boulder, heaving it over his head with ease. Then he turned his attention to a nearby tree, wrapping his powerful arms around it and snapping it in two as if it were a twig.

As the others watched, they couldn't help but be impressed. "He's like a modern-day Heracles," Cilla said in amazement. The group was in awe, but none more so than Katina.

"Wow, Roger, you're amazing," she said, her eyes widening with admiration. "With your super strength, you could fight Eris and win!"

Roger couldn't help but smile at the thought. He had always been a bit of an underdog, but now he felt invincible. With his new powers, he could take on anyone and anything.

"I could take her down," he said confidently, "I feel like nothing can stop me now."

As they made their way down the mountain, the group discussed their next steps. They knew they had to find Eris and stop her from causing any more chaos, but they also had to be careful. Eris was a powerful goddess, and they couldn't take her on without a plan.

As they walked, Katina couldn't help but sneak glances at Roger. She had always found him attractive, but now with his superhuman strength, he was even more alluring. "I can't believe how strong you are," she said, smiling at him. "It's really impressive."

Roger grinned back at her. "Thanks, Katina," he said, "I'm just happy I can help."

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