Chapter 3 The Handshake

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Louise was disgusted and his face showed visible signs of disgust. The brown-haired boy looked at him and Louise stared back because he was a man! He would not be afraid of a pervert. They stared at each other, meeting eyes while Mr Warren began writing a date chart on the board to explain all the events in chronological order. 

Finally, realising how he was giving in to the weird boy's game of staring into another man's eyes while masturbating, Louise brought his gaze down and quietly looked into his notebook, 'I can ignore this. This is nothing. This...This is adulthood-WHAT THE FUCK!' He felt MJ's foot slowly creep up his leg and Louise was done.

Lines had been crossed.

Louise kicked the weird boy's leg away so forcefully, that his shoe flew and slapped the board right beside Mr Warren. Mr Warren quickly turned back and then looked at the shoe. He picked it up, "Who threw this shoe at me?" Nobody answered. Louise rose his hand, "It was me," The entire class turned towards him, and Mr Warren looked genuinely confused, "Why?"

"...I just...couldn't control myself,"
MJ was holding his laughter back while pressing his forehead on the table.
"Control yourself from hitting me?"
"I felt bad for the Jews,"

"Right. Meet me after class,"

After a long lecture in the teacher's office about how being a student who has big shoes to fill had got nothing with literally throwing shoes at fellow teachers. He was told that he made the class' atmosphere too political after launching a weapon to foot fetish towards his teacher. Who happened to be a German man teaching Nazi history in an American classroom.

"Mr Warren, how do I undo my actions?"
"There is only one way to restore my dignity," Mr Warren held the shoe on the tips of his long, bony fingers, like a luxuriant dish about to be served freshly by a Michelin chef, "You must launch the shoe at every teacher to normalise this disrespect,"
"Understood, sir,"

Louise walked out of the teacher's office with the shoe in his hand, "This shoe, this has ruined my life," Suddenly, someone took the shoe from him and wore it back into his feet, "Oh, finally!"
It was the same weird kid who has been masturbating in the classroom. But why? Was this some kink? Be friends with him, yeah, no. Louise wasn't befriending HIM!

"That was so fun! Let's do it again!"
"Absolutely not!"

"Would you not listen to Mr Warren...about you throwing that shoe at every teacher now?"
"How do you know what he said?"
"I just guessed, did I hit the nail?"

Louise turned back, "I bet he was just messing with me,"
"What if he wasn't!" The green-eyed boy followed him, "This is a golden opportunity!"
"For what?"
"For throwing shoes at teachers! Without consequences!"
"Are you out of your mind?"

But suddenly, someone grabbed Louise by his collar and dragged him on the floor, throwing him flat before his locker, everyone gasped. Louise touched his back and looked up at those three boys. It was happening. This was high school hell.

This was the true Kerlin County High.

"LOUISE!" The green-eyed boy came forward to help him but he was pushed and corned to another locker by a tall dude in an Armani sweater, "You better not interfere, you frat boy! Go back to your fucking country!"
"Mate, I'm American, yeah? My dad's from Texas!"

"A Texan? In Kerlin County High?" They all started laughing and so did everyone else in the hall. Henry ruffled MJ's hair as if he were a child, "So, where are your cows?"
"Why do you need my cows? Milk me instead, daddy~" MJ wrapped his arms around him and brought his face uncomfortably close to his. Henry reclined,

"WHAT THE FUCK?! HA! THIS DUDE IS GAY! You guys would go well together, weirdo!" He pushed him away and the bells soon went off, making him leave for the next class.

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