Chapter 14 Our First Band Practice!

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Louise ran upstairs and reached the terrace. Jerome and Ryan were arranging their instruments while MJ sat on an old table and ate his ham sandwich. That table was so old that it would make noises when touched, so old that it was probably made while Mr Dickson was still mentally okay, probably commissioned by Alexander the Great himself, that's how old it was. MJ kept it around, wondering if he could con his way into selling it to some antique museum and get himself a gold chain or a girlfriend.

We still don't the origins of this table or how MJ got a hold of it. 

"What's going downstairs?" Louise asked while still trying to catch his breath.
"Oh," Ryan took a pamphlet out of his pocket and read it out aloud, "We got a cow appreciation day today"

"The fuck is that?"
"Well, apparently it's for some stupid vegan program at school," Jerome said as he tried to push his keyboard plug into a socket. "They're tryna make us pet cows, feed them and see that they deserve to that we'd stop eating them."
"They deserve to live in my stomach," MJ continued munching on his sandwich while looking inside his phone.
"," Ryan pushed his pamphlet back inside his pocket, disappointed that he couldn't talk about this topic in detail around his very anti-vegan friends. No, Ryan wasn't Vegan. But he was into every fad that piqued the interest of the white folks of Cali. 

"What if I take my beef sandwich to that gathering? Won't that be totally badass?" MJ ignored him. I can see him getting a detention already. 

"Why do you guys hate vegans?" Ryan asked.
"Because they won't stop virtue signalling about how righteous their choices are as they continue to consume plant products that mostly likely got child labour involved in some or all parts of production; a shit tonne of fertiliser that kills the biodiversity around it and causes mass fish death as it accelerates eutrophication in water bodies and clears acres of forest so that some random good-for-nothing privileged fuck can feel better about himself or herself that he or she cares about living beings. Wow, so sustainable! Fucking idiots," Jerome ranted while MJ continued to munch on his sandwich. 

Louise decided to be quiet. His sister was vegan. Or at least he thought so. 

"I'm not vegan. I'm vegetarian," Zalia told her mom and she slowly pushed the can of almond milk back to the kitchen racks. Mrs Louverne had got ten cans of almond milk. Had she been so enthusiastic about Mr Louverne's choices, he would've been a happier man today and probably would've begun balding a little later, though I highly doubt that. 

"Honey! As a doctor, I can tell you there's nothing wrong in eating a good ass hamburger" He bit into his dried-up, butter and steak sandwich...what even was that? Louise just stared at his father, in disgust, obviously. He had seen the wildest food combinations in his father's hands-- pepperoni and milk, pickle with molten marshmallows on top, sardines and jam-

Nah, that shit should be illegal. 

Louise looked disgusted as he watched his dad eat.
"Leave the vegan lifestyle to the gays and the gals. Now come, let daddy drop you at school"

"But Dad, I just remembered. I haven't done my homework," Louise squirmed in his chair. Mrs Fig would not like this.

"...What? LOUISE! Why didn't you say anything last night?! Oh my god, what you gotta make?"
"Get me some cardboard. And make it fast,"

. . . Earlier this morning

MJ woke up and looked at his alarm clock. He got up and yawned, scratching his head. He got out of his bed, stood staring at the wall for a minute and then went to bed again. After 15 minutes, he got up again and decided to get ready. His curtains were simply a huge British flag. He brushed his teeth as he looked at his bathroom glass, bordered with diamonds. 

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