Chapter 11 The Unpacking of a Fiasco

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Madeline has been trying to get inside my head again. All because I won't write a damn song. And Peed isn't helping us. Matter of fact, he's sleeping in his call. I hate his loud snores.

"Zalia, don't tell me you've lost your love for writing music"
"I'm just not feeling like it. Can't we just..."

"Can we play our old songs at the competition?" I asked as I spoke over the snores.
" It's our last year. It would help if you showed them how good of a songwriter you are. That way, tey'll remember you,"


"But why does it matter if anyone in school remembers me? Madeline, I think you worry a little too much about...all the people around us that we don't even know. You'll remember me, won't you?"


"Wh-what?" He woke up and rubbed his eyes, "Sorry, I had condensed myself to my most vulnerable form"
"Your most vulnerable form is a Texaan truck, cuz that's what you sound like, going 50 decibels with your snores"

"I am deeply apologetic"

"ZALIA!" Harry opened my door and screamed as he entered my room while I was on a videocall with Madeline. 
"Harry, take your shoes off before you get on my bed. And don't touch my guitar" I told Harry and he removed his shoes while looking at my guitar.
"Can I play it?"
"Not this one. The other one, you can," I'm not letting him touch my most expensive guitar.

"How many guitars do you have?" That's when my eyes went to the person who asked this question. It was that creep again! Fucking MJ!

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. 
"Whose that? Your new boyfriend?" Wasim asked. 
"Not yet," MJ smiled at him. 
Even if Michelle Alva Jibber is the last man standing on Earth, I would NOT want him. I wouldn't say I like his guts. But surely, he does get on my nerves. 

"Not never. You're not my type. Besides, I don't like young men. Anyways," I turned my laptop off before my friends would interfere again, "Why are you here,"
"Well, I wanted to ask you something,"
"Is it something that would annoy me?"

"I don't know you that well yet. So, I can't tell. But there's this person I want in our band. I think he would be good on keyboard,"

Finally, he was talking business. 

"Oh, okay. So, have you talked to him? How good is he?"
"Well, I think I did say hello to him when we were peeing together in the bathroom,"
"No, I mean-"
"But yeah, he's a good pianist,"

"A pianist? If he's a good pianist, I don't he'd be joining you. He must have his own goals,"
"But...We're a soon to be pop band. What could be more fun than that?"
"A violist that could accompany him in his performances. He doesn't need you guys. Chances are...he'll refuse. You should try someone else,"

"Is that what you would do?"
"Yes, I like being pragmatic,"

"Pragmatic..." His curious green eyes looked into mine. 

"You need to look at things realistically and understand what is achievable,"
"Right, so... this is quite achievable"
"No, that's what I've been telling you, it's not-"
"Don't worry, Zalia. Listen, I'm very panegyric"


"I'm confident that I will have Jerome. Hold on, let me rephrase that to make it less gay and more putrid"


"I, Michelle Jibber, will NOT have a band without Jerome! Now, I've got a call to make," He picked up his phone and pressed it on his ears while he walked out of my room, "Yo Tony!" I was eavesdropping, a little, "Your men got some rope?"

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