Part 6

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I was upstairs at the boys dorm sitting on the couch with Luke when he asked me "you wanna go get dinner tonight you know just me and you" "are you asking me on a date Luke" I say. 

He gets all flustered and go red in the face "what. no. well. um. do you want it to be?" "yea I would really like that Luke" I say 

"well you better go get ready cause we're leaving in an hour" he says "Luke! you should've given me more time oh my god what am I gonna wear" I say stressing "you better get going then" he says. 

I yell out goodbye as I run out of the dorm and down stairs to mine. I picked out to wear some white Zara jeans and a sweater and then I curled my hair did my makeup and put my shoes on. The whole time I was talking to my roommate Cayley and she was giving me a full on pep talk because I didn't want to mess this up and she was reliable source because she has a boyfriend herself so she's gone through this. 

Eventually 7:30 had rolled around Luke was knocking on my door I stepped outside after saying goodbye to Cayley. "You look really pretty" he says "aww thank you" I reply while walking down the hallway 

"i've made a reservation at this Restaurant thats like 10 minutes away and I checked the menu and it does have mac n cheese" "jeez Hughesy you really thought this through". 

The 10 minute car ride to the restaurant was spent my favourite way with Luke and it was singing to his amazing playlist which somehow he has that good music taste. 

Once inside the restaurant we were immediately asked our orders and of course I got mac n cheese because its my all time favourite meal and Luke just laughs once the waiter walks away "I can't believe we go to a fancy restaurant and you order mac n cheese" "hey hey you checked if they had it so we could've avoided it". 

We had greats chats before the food came out and while he eating he brings something up "you know my parents and my brothers are coming next week to watch a game" he say's "oh really and why are you bringing this up" I reply 

"well I know Jack and Lucas are good friends cause they play together and obviously mom and dad know your family so I don't know just thought i'd let you know" "well maybe I'll see them after the game you know go make myself known". 

After dinner we went and got ice cream and Luke got the worst combination possible mint chocolate chip and peanut butter but I just go a double scoop of strawberry and on the drive back of course we were singing. 

We got back to the dorms at around 9:30 and Luke was dropping me off at my door before and going up to his dorm. We stopped outside my door to say goodbye "I had a really good time with you tonight Alex thank you for letting me take out" "mhm best night ever oh wait let me take a photo of you for my wall!" 

Luke laughs and posed as I take the picture "ok then i'll see you tomorrow" he says pulling me into a hug and when we pull away his eyes find mine and me breath catches when he looks down at my lips and I don't know when or how but his lips find mine there soft and move with mine perfectly, 

I didn't want the moment to end but it eventually did and once we pull away I have the biggest smile on my face "so should we make this a regular occasion" he asks "oh just jump the gun already and ask me to be your girlfriend" 

"ok then will you alex be my girlfriend" he asks "why yes of course" and our lips find each others again. "ok you need to go to bed now but i'll see you in the morning" he says "ok bye bye" and as soon as I step inside and my door closes my smile is so big I feel like it might fall off my face. 

And that night I go to bed the happiest girl in the world because i'm Luke Hughes girlfriend

needles I LUKE HUGHESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz