Part 8

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I woke up this morning in Lukes bed in an empty dorm room as the boys had left for the plane a few hours ago. 

Me and Luke have been have only been dating a few days but prior to that we have been waking up in each others beds so my heart sank a little when he wasn't there. I made his bed before I left and locked their dorm with spare key I was given. 

Once back in my dorm my roommate Cayley had already left for her 8am so I went and had a shower before my Biomechanics of Muscles class at 9:30. Class felt like it went on for hours I just couldn't keep focused. Walking out of class I got a face time from Luke "hello" I hear from the phone and see him smiling "you guys finally made it" I say 

"yep hold on let me show you the room" he looks like a kid in a candy store which I find funny because he is literally just in a hotel room. He flips the camera and gives me the tour and shows me the bathroom and all four of the queens beds because 8 of them are sharing a room "who's in your room" I ask "uhh me duker, mark, ethan, bords, briss, beecher and truscott" he recites "awww slumber party" and luke laughs at that comment 

"ok i gotta go now we've got practice in like 5 minutes but i'll call you after" he says "ok bye bye" "bye." and I hear the line end. I had a pretty chill rest of my day because I didn't have to go hockey practice but I did have to go to gym practice. 6:07 pm was when we started and 

"UCLA" by rl grime started blasting through the speakers because its our designated warmup up song. I felt in my own world this practice not in a good way everything everyone was saying was going in one ear and coming out other, I couldn't hold a proper conversation with someone and when I decided to work on series on beam. 

I could not stay on that stupid 4 inch piece of wood, I kept falling and falling. I was so happy walking out of practice because I think if I stayed in there another minute I would've started screaming my head off. I was back at my dorm, had the longest shower of my life because I was just sitting there thinking about everything.

What happens if I fall at my next meet, what happens when Luke moves away to the NHL and i'm still here, what happens if I injure myself and can't compete, what happens if I don't make the olympic team. I couldn't even make myself something to eat.

 I just slumped in my bed and texted Luke then immediately put my phone done and passed out. 

Luke ❣️

had the shittest day today can't call tonight or I will literally scream the house down on you but I can't wait to watch you tomorrow and i'm proud of you xxxxx

Luke ❣️

I'll call you in the morning 😘

The next morning my alarm went off  at 5:00am for morning workouts and thankfully I woke up in a much better mood and I didn't wake up Cayley which happens a lot when waking up for morning workouts.

Workouts was brutal we had a 2k erg test because even though we arent rowers we still have erg test's because acording to bev it's for strength training which i'm sure it is.

Once back in our dorm I made some breakfast in our very mini kitchen which was some Avacado on toast which eggs. Absolutely amazing

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it was a Saturday and also game day for the team so I got myself situated with Cayley in my bed next to me because she insisted on watching too with my laptop and some snacks and quickly sent Luke a text

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it was a Saturday and also game day for the team so I got myself situated with Cayley in my bed next to me because she insisted on watching too with my laptop and some snacks and quickly sent Luke a text

Luke ❣️

good luck buddy can't was to see you tmrw proud of you always ❤️

Cayley see's me send the text "god you are so head over heals for him aren't you" she say's "yea like you aren't totally in love you christian" "ok fair point" Cayley replies 

first period the score was 1-0 to Michigan with Luke scoring a goal, Second period 1-2 and the boys were looking defeated but then they pulled through on the Third period winning the game at 3-2. 

Now the game was over all that was left was waiting for him to come home

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