Part 19

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Sorry everyone I deleted the chapter of smut and will re write part 19, It just didn't sit right with me righting about what and about him so I took it down and I hope thats ok! (also i'm so sorry for my slow uploads i've been dealing with some things but trying to get back into it!)

Family was a big thing for Luke and sure I have meet his brothers and parents but I hadn't met his cousins which he talks about often so when Ellen texted him to remind him about them coming from Canada to visit he immediately knew I had to come meet them.

 Both of us were excused from 2 of our trainings for family reasons so we could spend Thursday to Monday back at the Hughes household even with his brothers as they were coming to before the season starts. 

"ALEX!" Luke yells from downstairs "YEA?!" I yell back "HAVE YOU SEEN MY GREY BLOCK M HOODIE?" The yell travels up the house and I realise that hoodie was the one I stole a few days ago "NO?" I yell back hoping to convince him but when I hear the footsteps coming up the stairs I knew I wasn't getting away with it. 

"I knew it!" he says barging through the door of our room "Hey it's comfy" I say back "And thats why I want it" "fine" I heave out taking the hoodie off leaving me in a sports bra "thank you baby" "mhm".  

I had morning class which took hours and hours, well thats what it felt like but once I was was done I rushed home to quickly pack my bag before we had to leave. I was done packing when Luke had also gotten back from his class. 

"Hi baby you almost ready to go?" He asks "yeah hold on I just gotta get my shoes on and me can go" "ok bub". I had gotten on my shoes and Luke was downstairs waiting but Mark was the only one home so I went and said a quick goodbye, "bye Mark please keep the house in tact before we get back" "ok mom". 

The traffic was absolute shit it made the 45 minute drive into about a hour and a half but once again Luke's playlist made it worth while, but after that drive we had finally made it into the Hughe's family driveway and it looked like we were the last to arrive meaning all of the cousins would be inside.

 I know it's only his cousins but they are a big deal to him he's so close with them its almost like another set of sibling so I am the slightest bit nervous. 

We walk through the front door and Luke announces we are here, Ellen comes to find us in the hallway hugging his son tight them pulling me into her arms "my favourite girl! i'm so happy to have you back.

 come on everyones in here" Ellen says and we follow her though to the kitchen  be met with so many family members Jack and Quinn spot us first, Luke over the moon to see them and then some of the older cousins spot us and come over. 

All of them are so nice and we are already getting along and then we move into the living room to find probably the rest of everyone, all the uncles and aunts and what not. I'm greeted with lots of "I've heard so much about you!" "you are just as gorgeous as I was told" and many hugs.

 I sat in the living room with everyone on the couch next to Luke while I am bombarded with questions about my brothers, gymnastics, school, Luke. But i'm not mad i'm just glad they want to talk to me.

 A few hours later it's getting late and dinner will be ready soon so me and Luke sneak upstairs to quickly unpack "see I told you they would love you" Luke says placing a kiss to my lips.

 I flop down onto his bed "god I missed this bed so much" I say with my face stuffed in the mattress "do you want me to put your bathroom stuff in the shower?" he asks looking through my bag "yes please" "ok baby". 

We sat upstairs for about 10 minutes before being called down for dinner. we were sat at the kids table with Jack and Quinn, most of the older cousins and the little ones too. 

I was completely dead after that day my social battery was drained so I headed up to bed early suggested by the Luke, some how I didn't fall asleep in the span I was upstairs by myself before Luke comes up stairs but once he made his way into bed and wrapped his arms around me I was out like a light.

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