Part 18

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*chickenfriedjoe is alex's second insta account*

I'm currently going on my 6th hour studying at the library and we are only in the third week of school, theses hours of studying are driving my ADHD brain crazy. The clock hit exactly 4:07 when I called it quits I physically couldn't do it any longer.

Thomas Borrdeleau - bordy baby 🏄‍♂️🍼

Matty Beniers - veniers 😬🦷

Mark estapa - STOP sign 🛑

Dylan duke - duker 💩

Ethan Edwards - eddy 😎

Brendan Brisson - briss w rizz 😻

Johnny Beecher - beech babe 👙

Luke Hughes - hughesy 👹👹

Nolan Moyle - aye aye 👨‍✈️

Mackie Samoskevich - mackin yo bitch

Jacob Trusscot - trussy bby

we play hockey

dr alex


aye aye 👨‍✈️


briss w rizz 😻

hey girly

dr alex

can someone who owns a house pls host a house party because i need to get drunk

eddy 😎

why do you need to get drunk alex?

dr alex

i just would like to be drunk off my ass

mackin yo bitch

fair point

trussy bby

i could get drunk rn

dr alex

exactly truss get my idea

aye aye 👨‍✈️

i'll do it at mine

dr alex

what i would do to hug you rn

aye aye 👨‍✈️

call ur bitches and be over at like 5:30

dr alex

luke what side hoes you calling tonight?

hughesy 👹👹

kim kardashian 

beech babe 👙

tf man

briss w rizz 😻

hughesy r u already drunk

dr alex

aww u think i have a fat ass

STOP sign 🛑


bordy baby 🏄‍♂️🍼

ur literally boning in gc 

as soon as the plans were made for Nolans I packed up my shit and walked back home which was a pretty long walk and pretty shitty in my uggs. Once I was home I was greeted by a very cuddly Luke but slipped away after the first kiss so I could go get ready, 

I curled my hair and chucked on some makeup and then I made my way to the closet. "Luke do you think it's too much to have my tits out tonight?" 

"uhhh Well you know how I am drunk so if you want the night to end in one way then I say tits out" "alright". 

I ended up wearing a pink corset top and some blue jeans. Once I chucked on my converse I went to go downstairs to announce I was ready to leave. 

The walk to Nolans was about 10 minutes me and Luke stayed behind the small group holding hands as we walked "you look really pretty" he coos down at me "thank you" I say smiling back up at him "glad you went with the tits out" I wacked him in the stomach at that comment. 

The front door to Nolans house was open so we headed in to find all of the freshman and most of the team in the kitchen with the speakers blasting some music while drinks were found in hand "IM READY TO GET DRUNK" I yelled as I walked through to doorway into the room getting many responses from people

 "cmon Alex we shall do the honours of doing the first shot of the night" Brendan calls me over, He pours the vodka into some cheap shot glasses and then passes mine over "cheers to getting drunk off our ass" I say as we clink the glasses together before taking the shot.

 About half an hour later the house was pretty much full of people and I was on to my second drink only getting a small buzz from the alcohol at this point, Some of my friends from alpha phi showed up so I spent about 20 minutes catching up with them and finishing my 3rd drink.

An hour passes by and i'm hanging out with Luke and some of the freshman finishing my 4th drink. The clocks hits 11, 

6 drinks and 2 shots are in my body, i'm drunk drunk and have been put on a drink ban by Luke but me and Ethan have found our way to the dance floor having the time of our lives as some moves get people attention "we should backflip!" Ethan yells over the music 

"ok get people out the way!" we start backing people up making a circle around us as we get ready and then count down to 3 "1" we start "2" people catch on "3" the whole attendance of the living room yells and then we flip and the Living room erupts in cheer as Ethan scoops me up and puts me on his shoulders while we dance in the crowd. 

2:00 am the party was pretty much empty Luke was talking to seniors so found my self pretty comfy lying down on Nolans couch almost falling asleep but my boyfriend came to tell me it was time to leave "bye bye Nolan" I say giggling as he waves us out the door 

"take good care of her Hughesy!" Nolan yells from his front door while we make it to the side walk "I will!" Luke yells back as he puts his arm around my waist and we walk back. 

Lukes last drink was about 4 hours ago so he's pretty sober which means he has the duty of taking care of my drunk ass. Once back at home I am forced to drink a bottle of water and some Advil before he so kindly help me take my makeup off and I got into one of his t shirts before heading into bed.

 I fell asleep pretty quick but my morning wake up was my stomach rumbling and running to the bathroom hunching over the toilet as I spill my guts out from the last night, Luke hears from his room and comes to help by rubbing my back and holding my hair back until i'm done.

 I fell asleep pretty quick but my morning wake up was my stomach rumbling and running to the bathroom hunching over the toilet as I spill my guts out from the last night, Luke hears from his room and comes to help by rubbing my back and holding m...

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liked by jackhughes, alexturcotte, lhuges06 and others 

chickenfriedjoe no wonder why his side hoes didn't turn up

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