Part 16

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some things to not before reading! the 21/22 season sophomores will all be returning for their junior season but this seasons freshman will still be joining the team (i know that makes no sense but I need all of them in the story for it to work!) there is also some sensitive topics in this chapter so a trigger warning for mentions of eating disorders and SA

18th august ann arbor

I had packed up the last of my of my things and said my goodbyes to everyone at the lake house this morning before me and Luke got in the car for the short 30 minute drive to campus, he dropped me off at nat and Nico's house where i'll be staying for the next 3 days before the boys get here and we get our keys to the house. 

It wasn't a sad goodbye because we convinced ourselves how long we would be apart so I waved as he drove off before heading back inside to quickly get ready for practice. practice was spent getting to know the freshman and re working skills after the break. 

And that is how those first 3 days were spent waking up, going to practice, messing around with the team, going back for evening practice and going to sleep. 

21st august

I went and picked up the keys for the house we were renting this year and borrowing nat's car to take my stuff and drive over. I waited in the car for about 10 minutes waiting. 

I got out of the car when I saw Luke's car down the street packed with stuff from all of the boys with them squished in the back seat. "ALEX!" Mark yells while getting out of the car running over to me bringing me into a hug and then Duker, Ethan and Mackie came running into the hug all say our hellos to each other and sharing our excitement of being back together. 

"lex you go the keys" Luke asks after we all seperate from the hug "yep hold on let me go get them" I say running back to my car "ok the lady said there hard to get replaced and theres a fine if you loose them so keep track of them idiots" I Say giving them each their own set of keys and we headed inside the house for the first time.

"bro i'm going to dibs my room" Mackie says as soon as we walk in "hold on Alex and Luke are sharing a room so they get the one with the connected bathroom just makes sense" Ethan speaks up "mk fine" Mackie says as him and mark run up the stairs like children. 

This day was long, the furniture deliveries were coming in so we were unpacking and putting those together and then unpacking are own stuff trying to get it done today before the hockey training schedule started up again. 

The time is currently 9:44pm we had just finished eating Chiptole that ethan went out to go grab and i'm now in the kitchen sorting out the cutlery draw when my phone pings with a text from Luke saying "please upstairs to bed 🙏" and from that I take it as a sign to call it a day so I turn off the lights downstairs and head up to our room where I found Luke snuggled up in our bed and as soon as he see's me he does grabby hands like a toddler "hold let me get changed ok" I say while taking my shirt off and putting one of Lukes big shirts on and taking my pants off and then getting in to bed where I was quickly brung into Lukes arm with my heart being smothered with is soft kisses.

22nd august first hockey practice 22/23 season

this morning I had woken up at around 9 to an empty bed, wondering where Luke was I went downstairs to find all of the boys in the kitchen making pancakes "good morning alex!" mark shouts excitedly, it seems like this kid is also screaming cause he excited "good morning" I say taking a seat on the stool at the bench next to Luke.

 "you coming to training today?" Duker asked me "nope cause it's literally all gonna be just talking stuff so i'm not needed" I reply "we are leaving in like 10 and then are going out I dont know where after so I don't know when we will be home" Luke says "mk that's fine" I say as I take a bite of the pancake mark hand put on a plate in front of me. 

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