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So so alone.
Why am I different.
Why me.
So so frustrated.

The simplest words can say so much.
Yet the feelings are often misguided.

Why can't anyone understand.
Why must I be so fucked up.
Why can't anyone see through that.
Why just why.

Life is just one depressing trip.
One thing can send you off the edge.
Proves how happiness is just another phase.

When will it be ok.
When will anything turn to gold.
Is life just one big lie that I've been told.

Burning ash into my heart would hurt much less.
This is probably the worst poem ever but then again I'm not at my best right now anyway. This is just a bunch of word vomit that I had to spew out despite how graphical that might sound. I apologise for the massive distaste.

Try listening to 'Negative Creep' by Nirvana. It's literally me except for the stoned bit.

Sincerely Yours,

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