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Thundering against the quiet soft clouds.
Soaring loudly through the tree branches.
Blowing away all enemies on grounded sight.
Leaving nothing behind but scattered remains.

Roaring past strangers and tearing life into two.
Destroying all that's left of a secure home base.
Like an animal hunting it's prey, silent but deadly.
It leaves you breathless as you struggle to hold on.

Coming and going like the heavy tide in a waving sea.
Striking those who dare to venture it's cyclonic labyrinth.
It's violent touch leaves freezing fingerprints on the body.
Persistently trying to rip off any item of clothing that you wear.

But as dawn turns into day, it calms slowly like a meditating Buddha.
Drifting in and out of sleep as a consistently exhausted workaholic would. Swinging back and forth relaxingly like a man who sits in his rocking chair. Before enclosing it's seal on the capsule of air, savouring it for another day.
A simple poem about the harshness of wind, haha. We've been experiencing it quite a lot here and it's monstrous noise frankly pisses me off after awhile. So I decided to voice my opinion about it poetically, I suppose.

Accompanying the poem is a instrumental off the 'Heroes' album by David Bowie. It's called 'Sense of Doubt' which I think fits the poem somewhat well. I swear, David Bowie and Brian Eno are the kings of instrumentals. They are just emotionally speechless. It conveys so much and yet with such little sound.

It's awe-inspiring. It really is.

Sincerely Yours,

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