Birth of Adulthood.

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It's time to add and subtract the lessons where you fell.
With mature realisation, it was only just a breath of hell.
Losing the weight of a teenager gone mad under pressure.
But gaining an old perspective of sorrow with slow leisure.

I've flirted with foreign fatalities at the naive age of young soul.
If only I could go back and rescue the future that was foretold.
I have lived quite a violent journey of sudden unexpected events.
Covered in a broken layer of skin, I swallowed with forced pretence.

I've got a story of youth that would make the next generation run.
I repeatedly prepared myself with mental silence for that dark gun.
Though every time I failed on the account of pleading breakdown.
In a world of heartbreaking reality, at least I never hit the ground.

I've acquired an eternal team of poetic words that behold my expressions. Along with the screaming melodic voices of music that have my utmost appreciation. There isn't anything I can't survive that bares just a hint of teenage frustration. I have become the woman of ethereality, who will live through all of life's castration.
It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen. It's my blessed but forbidden birthday, haha. I wrote this days ago so I wouldn't have to dwell so harshly on my birthday. I don't typically get to enjoy my birthday due to some sort of illness that always happens to fall upon my special day.

With fingers crossed, I hope I get to enjoy myself for once.

Happy 18th Birthday to me. I'm suddenly an adult !!! aaaah.

Sincerely Yours,

Poetry (2015-2017)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ