Wonder of Bowie.

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You walked the tightrope of life with such stature and poise.
In your darkest moments, you were an isolated genius at best.
Building a transfixing world that was beyond the depths of hell.
You introduced the new under a veil of endless artistic possibilities.

Hiding the authentic you within a range of eccentrically human characters. Tapping effortlessly into the many layers of the colourfully dark lives you lead. You never failed to present such a heartfelt attractive tone of bloodcurdling sounds. And although it was a trip into the unknown, your voice soothed our anxious worries.

You were confident in the wide exploration of your own natural self-taught abilities. But never arrogant to boast about such finds or assume the best of ones final product. You were born to succeed and excel past the mainstream of who could only go so far. Your legacy is one of comfort to those looked upon you in times of insecure reflection.

If only I could count each twinkling star that lays scattered across the midnight sky. For each one is a symbol of the inspiring enrichment that you've brought into my life. It's only because of you that I am able to write my words with such tasteful decadence. Your impact on me shall last a lifetime as your sweet presence is forever unprecedented.
Another poem about who ? David Bowie. What a surprise ! haha.

He has all my words.

Sincerely Yours,

Poetry (2015-2017)Where stories live. Discover now