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They say wait for what's worthwhile.
And I've never been more patient in my life.
I feel like I'm stepping on knifes whenever we talk.
Always trying to avoid the sharp end of the point.

I've got too much pride to admit anything.
Especially when there's so much to jeopardise.
Would I really risk blowing up the building ?
If it contained everybody that I have ever loved. 

It seems so silly to dart away from such things.
But we're just insecure teens, scared to death.
Not wanting to make a fool of ourselves.
So we never dare speak of the possible.

It's like a painful game of russian roulette.
But is there really a loss if one of us dies.
Shedding our bare skin on a fragile light.
I wish one of us would just bleed already.

It's a slow agonising death.
To wait for someone.
I took a brief hiatus and now I'm back just before my birthday, haha. This is meant to be a romantic poem but you know me, I have to put a dark twist on everything and make it look like bloody murder. Waiting is a lot like that.

Highly recommend listening to the actual romantic scripture above.
David Bowie is more romantic than me.
Mainly because he's a man. That isn't sexist by the way. It's a compliment.

Sincerely Yours,

Poetry (2015-2017)Where stories live. Discover now