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I lay speechless within my bed-headed brain.
Smothering my mind with a pillow of thoughts.
The dark insomniac monster eats at me every time.
And my blanket isn't warm enough for my cold loneliness.

I'm the skeletal remains of the full girl I used to be.
My body aches sadly like a person who's lived a life.
And yet not seen all there is to see within themselves.
Losing the will to live as the search comes to a dead end.

I'm surrounded by the withering flowers of remembrance. Each singular petal, a lost person that made me most happy. I picked at them & criticised their worth as I had none of my own. Pushing away any clues that I might have once adored them with all of my being.

I stare up at the ceiling and for once, the over layer of white isn't so bad. I pop another sedative as it helps me forget that I'm whole with feelings. Slowly decomposing into a empty shell with no cracks to let the light in. The dreaded fatal moment of death quickly becomes a poets last regret.

As I have no words left to utter...
I've been quite lost in my mind tonight, a shed of loneliness came along too.
This is just a hidden product of how I really feel.

Sincerely Yours,

Poetry (2015-2017)Where stories live. Discover now