High, Low.

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Let the rain drown your sorrows.
Fill it up and overflow with emotions.
The best is yet to come they say.
But you drink another glass with little patience.

Hazy within a brick made burden.
The wires have been detached.
Whilst you try to live in world unmatched.
Float down the stream of no consciousness.

I wish I could be free like the clouds.
But even they burst in the end.
Sometimes too much is still not enough.
So they continue to live on.

Each breath I take is one step closer to death.
I wish I would breathe faster.
My heart explodes heavily on a daily basis.
What a journey it is to live.
Probably the most rawest and darkest poem I've ever written. Which is saying A LOT.
I've been going through a real rough patch in my life right now and so I wrote this at midnight whilst under the influence of something..

It's not something I'm proud of and I'm really not in the right head space so that's why this poem doesn't make a lot of sense and is kinda scattered. But I feel it shows my truest emotions, as depressing as they may be.

Sincerely Yours,

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