Like I imagined...kuroo x reader

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Its been 4 years now that you are married to Kuroo and you even have a 2 years old child. Todays been nothing special just the fact that kuroo is gonna be home today and you not . You woke up at 6 tho you never liked waking up this early .Yawning, you made your way to bathroom . Then you moved over to kitchen to prepare breakfast.You turned around only to see the ultimate bed hair mess ever in the multiverse.You spoke with a little surprise," Oh Tetsurou, you are up. Nice.Now come prepare the breakfast .You know its already 6.and I m getting a bit la..." You got quiet when he suddenly came closer and shhhed you by putting a finger on your lips.He began ," First of all ,Good morning love!" and then kisses your temple.
Its been years together and he still manages to make you a blushing mess Because yes you do fall for his love language.
"Uhmm morning kuroo! " you responded.Also this guy is quick to notice the change of feelings in your eyes. Meeting His eyes you say ," Ok Mr. kuroo ,Now quickly get to work and your queen right here wants something yummy in lunch today"
You smiled to which he smiled back with a light giggle.You went to get ready for work. Fortunately Takuya ( Your son) was still asleep . You got ready by the time Tetsurou prepared food . You quickly ate and put your lunch in your bag. You saw Takuya sleeping nicely . You smiled with relief and made your way to the front door of your home . Kuroo came hurriedly and waved you bye with the sweetest smile ever and this melts your heart in microseconds. So sweet right?
"Bye Y/N! Take care and dont forget to tell your colleagues that today your handsome husband made lunch for you ." To this you just stuck out tongue and said " No,I wont ." He replied teasingly with a smirk on his face ," ooh you look so cute when you are rebellious like this ."
Oh Tetsurou!!! Stop this nonsense." you said with slight hesitation in your voice.You lightly punched him in stomach and said" Bye . I will be back by 4 ." He giggled and said , " Ok bye "
                   ~~~ Time skip~~~

It was 3.30 already and you just came out of the building to make your way towards the road .It was quite peaceful with very less vehicles on road . Strong gushes of Wind would flow from time to time making your hair strands dance along the flow of wind . You were already enjoying the calmness of the surrounding. You stopped to look at a flower growing along side the footpath.It was pretty.You bent down and sofly touched it with your index finger . It was fragile but so pretty.May be being fragile is one of its beauty.
You were wondering these thoughts seeing its white petals and thin tendrils . You looked up and saw what? that raven haired guy along with a little raven haired in his arms. Kuroo came to pick you up. He was holding a grocery bag in one hand and other arm was wrapped around your kid.
Wind flew suddenly but this time lightly. You stood up and saw him waving at you and coming towards you. You didn't move ... you dont why. You were so delighted to see how things came out the right way.
From having a high school crush on Kuroo to seeing this day when he came to pick you up along with your baby .
You just felt so fortunate and contented. When they got closer you kissed your kids cheek and by the time kuroo was about to say his pet phrase..."Where is my kiss" (with his crooked smirk as always)you hugged him so tightly like there is no tomorrow . He got flustered at this sudden PDA
from you . He kinda titled his face to check see if you are fine . Then you said with your face tugged into his chest," I love you both so much. "You looked up to meet his eyes and then  smiled brightly.
Kuroo felt like he was on cloud nine . You looked so pretty in his eyes . He has always found you cute but this time he felt a different vibe from you .You all together looked like such a happy family. He said," ohk ohk Enough with being so cute . let's get home first .i m getting hungry " Holding his hand in yours You replied,"Yeah sure and lets buy cake as well"
You all chuckled and went home . Going back home you thought to yourself ,"What a pretty evening!"

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