That highschool love part 2

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A/N : I am NCT stan so I could not help but add  Jaemin (NCT DREAM ) in this story(⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

A/N : I am NCT stan so I could not help but add  Jaemin (NCT DREAM ) in this story(⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

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After the recess you tried to keep your thoughts in control about Kuroo and that girl.You could hardly pay attention to the lecture.After the class ended you realised that you actually didn't understand a word .
You walked up to kuroo and asked him with a really big question mark on your face ," Ohh kuroo-san! Could you tell me how to find the oxidation state of metal in coordination compounds?" He narrowed his eyes and looked at you in slight teasing manner Because you both know the teacher just taught this and you still didn't get it .
He raised his eyebrows and said  with a smirk ,"okay but Where's my 'please' ?" You replied with a overreacted "Please"
As he was about to start explaining you both were interrupted when you heard his name being called.
It was that popular girl. "Kuroo -kun! Could you come here for a minute, please? She requested and he got up from his seat in an instant.
"Y/N , Dont worry this is a really easy concept.I will explain it to you some other day". You replied in retaliation," But..Kuroo..." By the time you could say anything he vanished from your view. You cursed him in a low voice ," You asshole ..i m better .. can't you see!!"
Your day ended like this but you tried to remain as normal as possible. Laughed at things which you have would normally laugh at and frowned at things you would have normally frown at  too.
The next day Kuroo came to your seat amd placed his hands on your table and slightly bent to lock his eyes with yours and said," Morning 'Ms. I dont know understand anything ' What are you doing? "To this you replied with visible irritation in your voice ," What do you want , 'Mr.I am too busy'.."
He laughed groogily and said," Oh someone seems to be annoyed about what happened yesterday..By the way I need you English notes because i have to complete the assignment."
Both of you knew that you have your notes currently but you denied by saying you dont have them with you right now . You thought in your mind , " My god ...look at this bitch ! Likes her and wants notes from me. can he take me for granted. Shameless jerk!"
He rubbed the back of his head and said ," Its ok Y/N ...I see ....You seem to be mad at me right now."
He went back to his seat and the rest of the day went by strangely quiet.
You eagerly waited for him to come to you and apologize but sadly he never did that.It was more like...that he didnt care about you that much.
Just a see.
After the last class ended you looked at his direction. He took his bag and went out of the classroom.You sighed a bit. May be you should have given your notes to him.
You were about to exit school but you remembered that you mom strictly told you to return back Kuroo's umbrella because you had it from last 3 months.
You brought it today to give it back to him.You predicted that he must be in gym for the volleyball practice. You made your way to gym.You were at back of the gym behind the bushes. You suddenly saw Kuroo standing in gym clothes near the back door .You were about to shout out his name but you noticed that he wasnt alone there .
That popular girl was there with him too. He was holding her hand in his hands and seemed to be asking her out. You paused and that umbrella dropped from your hands . Tears started to roll down your cheeks . You dropped to your knees as your legs felt weak.You never expected to witness this scene yourself. You had this picture in your head that the girl kuroo was ever gonna confess to is you but he turned this into dust .
You placed your hand on your mouth so they couldnt hear your sobbing.You got so lost in your emotions that you couldn't hear her response.
She went away And Kuroo was standing there alone . On his way back to gym he found you . Lightning struck somewhere near and you both could hear the thunderous noise . Not much started raining. You were standing with your face down . Kuroo asked ,"Y/N ..What are you doing? You okay? " On getting no response from you ,he took  you by your wrist and said," Lets get in or else we will catch cold."
You pulled your wrist away and gave him umbrella .He was astonished at your behaviour a bit .He didn't take it and said ," You take it home now ..look its raining.You need it more ." You got hold of his hand and placed umbrella in his hands and said with a very weak and stumbling voice," Take it and go away" Tho your vioce was weak but he could still get that sternity in your words .
Suddenly he got a call. He picked and said ," Ahh yes sir.Sorry I m coming back in a few."
He looked at you after dropping the call . You said still not meeting his eyes ," Just go."
Your eyes were still filled with tears of disbelief.He went back to gym but you couldn't move an inch.
"Everything bad happens to me only".This was your present phrase in your mind.In the morning your mother scolded you because you spilled all the milk in refrigerator. And now this . Really such poor luck .
On the other hand when Kuroo reached the gym to talk to the coach he immediately asked Kenma to go check on you.
Kenma  sighed but still came to you . You were sitting with your back being supported by wall, knees bent, face and arms resting on your kness ,sobbing continuously and drenched in rain from head to toe. He looked at your poor condition and knew at first glance what happened.
He called your name," Y/n , You okay? You looked up to find its Kenma . You stood up with tears flowing from your eyes and nose running. You ran to him and hold his hands in your hands and started weeping ," What wrong did I do? Huh? he did that to me.Kuroo likes that witch....not me why ? why? ...huh? tell me Kenma!!!"
The blonde haired guy looked at you with compassion in his eyes ," Y/N , Want me to walk you home? " You looked  at the ground and pouted a bit.You nodded lightly to which he replied," Wait a little for me ..i am coming in a minute." He asked the coach to leave him early today.He came back to you and gave you his jacket to cover up because your clothes were fully dreached . You wore it and started to back home with him .
On the way you told him what happened in the morning about the milk and now this and rain too . So back luck on your head today . Listening to you ranting he let out a slight laugh . "She is so cute " He thought to himself.
"Ooh, how dare you laugh"you bonked his head a little . He dropped you home and told you not to cry. He made it easy  for you by keeping your company but deep down he knew how much you liked Kuroo.
He always saw your eyes lightening up on meeting kuroo's. How on your game nights you liked getting defeated by kuroo but still acted like you wanted to win . How your heart melted whenever Kuroo was around  or when he smiled at your direction while playing volleyball.
Surely it wasnt easy for you . Thinking this he bought lots of your favourite chocolates for you. You were so delighted to get all those chocolates from Kenma .You thanked him with a very bright smile.He usually never smiled but seeing you smile for him he smiled back too. He went back home then.
Late that evening Kuroo asked him about you. Kenma got to know that kuroo got rejected by that girl so now may be Kuroo would think about dating Y/n. Tho kenma wanted to keep you to him only but he still told Kuroo all about what happened.
Kuroo felt guilty and so he called you more than 25 times but you didnt pick any of his calls.So he decided to talk to you the next day in school but you skipped the next day .Kuroo and kenma both got worried about you but when you answered Kenma's call they got reassured that you are fine .
Kuroo couldnt make it to your home that day due to volley practice.
The next day finally he saw you. His eyes lit up on seeing you. As he was about to go in your directiom he saw you were standing near the baseball field netting with your fingers clenched into the net. He got closer only to see that you were now cheering for baseball team ace" Jaemin". Jaemin came running in your direction and smiled at you. You smiled back cheerfully and you told him that you got drinks for you both .To this he asked to meet at that place where the netting ends .
You walked to that place and he did too . You gave him the drink you liked the most...Cold Coffee hazelnut flavour.
He likes coffee too. Then you both talked about each others day and laughed at Jaemin 's weird jokes .He listened to your stories as well about how you nearly got saved from stepping on your neighbour's dog 's tail.
Kuroo was standing at some distance watching you both and he knew that you already got over him.The girl he liked walked away and  the girl that liked him also walked away .....forever.


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