That Night p3

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The school grounds were out of light

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The school grounds were out of light . Why?? The night lamps were off." What the hell!" you thought to yourself. Adding fuel to your fear was your brain making you remember all the horror movies you saw recently. The grounds were so deserted and looked so creepy when a light gust of wind brought you back to reality.
Kuroo looked at you with half open lids, " Wanna go back, shrimpy? "
"What the fuck Kuroo!!You think only I am scared.Umm...look at your legs!! They are shaking like crazy." you responded with a pout on your face.
" Oh! Gosh! We really have to do it ,right?" A small sigh escaped his lips.
You guys walked towards the main building.
" Don't cling to me if you are scared , ok? " He mocked. "As if " you retaliated.
Entering the school building , you rushed towards the stairs. Fortunately there were some lights on inside the school building .
"Think we can use the elevator ?" Kuroo laughed.  You gaped at him with a proper NO written in your expression." Shut up Kuroo! We are here secretly and I don't wanna get caught ok? Moreover elevators are scary at night." you added . " I really like when you tell me to shut up, you know" Kuroo blurted out. There was a pause and you moved your head back to look at him who was a few stairs behind you. " Was that some kind of flirt?" you inquired. He shrugged, " Don't know"
"I hate him " you said to yourself. Catching steps with you he asked," Did you just say something?"
"Aniyo" you replied. He sighed," Oh Korean again! "
"Yes yes yes ! Any problem?" you bickered moving closer to him and flashing you torch at his face.
"No obviously no bro" he responded with his arms covering his eyes ..
" Stop flashing light on me Y/N !!" he pleaded.
"Hehehe I won't" you barked .
"What there someone?" a third voice said.
You guys heard someone's voice and footsteps approaching...thud thud thud.....
Your eyes matched with Kuroo's. Both filled with fear. Both of you rushed to the nearest washroom and it happened to be a girls washroom. The lights were off and you guys entered the last compartment. Closed the door. Torch switched off and both stood on the pot seat with Kuroo making the balance on edges of seat and holding the sides of the door for the same sake. Unfortunately the seat wasn't covered so you guys had to make sure not to get your shoes in the bowl ..
You stood by making your feet stable on the edge of the seat ..Still to make sure you don't fall or make any sound , you tightly hold on to Kuroo's torso.  There was tension in the could feel it . Hearting beating faster as the footsteps are getting louder ..lub dub lub dub ..
"You know your heart's beating like crazy ." Kuroo whispered. You moved your head up to meet his eyes , "What?"
Suddenly you both got flustered since your faces were dangerously close to each other. Both moved their heads in opposite directions. "Ah! Nothing. Forget it." he said in a low voice to break the weird silence surrounding you guys.
But seriously...if you got caught that would be the worst scenario possible .

if you got caught that would be the worst scenario possible

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