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" What type of party is it anyway? I mean if I'm going to be dragged off somewhere at least tell me how slutty I can or can't be." 

The woman on the other side of the phone sighed.

"Most people are dressing somewhat put together, so a classy casual look would be what everybody else is doing."

You laughed.

"So a whore it is~!"

The woman on the other line started to laugh too. You were to much sometimes.

" I knew you would say that- Be there in 5 love you!" The woman hung up before you could say it back.

"How rude I didn't even get kiss over the phone."

Pouting you got up from you bed and went to your closet.

Were you really about to go to one of the most shadiest and largest parties of your life for a friend you made a week ago? You're not very clean yourself but honestly.

Life's short.

You weren't worried about being killed or kidnapped or whatever but it's just been a crazy year for you.

You moved out of a government housing unit and into your our apartment. Your boyfriend broke up with you before going off to a war he died in but turned out that was a lie. You're in your last year of college and surprisingly didn't go into life crippling debt. Your car got thrown off a mountain because of said boyfriend and actually died. Honestly how he stole your car and managed to have the Marines throw off a mountain is just beyond you. You lost your friends to jail and drugs but made two new ones from being a cheap ass who wanted a discount on clothes and food.

It couldn't be helped that this year was just a bipolar mess maybe you could have fun at the Newgates party who know maybe you'll even get somebody's number- or multiple somebodies numbers.❤️

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