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" I didn't know you could be feisty you seem more like the always joking type."

"She normally is I think it's just Marco that gets her that way."

"He really does piss me off but forget about that, where we going?"

You didn't really get a chance to look around when luffy was dragging you into his room like a sack potatoes so you didn't get a chance to see what was where.

"Oh we're going to the basement their playing games and if I remember right there's a DJ there"

"But isnt everyone heading to the track for the race?"

"No there was a set back Eustass-ya picked a fight with Drake and let's just say we're down a car."

It was safe to say Nami was now the one piss with one nasty scowl on her face. She was probably placing bets, and now had to redo the whole set up or give the money she had back depending on which car it was.

" Emo boy why didn't you tell the other two that?"

"It had to do with two individuals I'm not really quite fond of and because they're the organizers I figured it was best for them to see for themselves then tell them."

He had a stupid lopsided grin as you raised an eyebrow at him and Nami was mumbling something about it being typical of him whatever that meant.

"Was it the Liberal Hind or the Victoria punk? Cuz I am not giving back the bets placed on either of them"

Law had a surprised look, then laughed knowing Nami was being her money loving self.

"Neither it was Apoo's ride, Stay tune. Shame really it was a beauty but can't do much with the roof being smashed with Drake's body."

Nami shook her head, you started looking at them like they just sprouted wings and horns. How the fuck do you bodyslam somebody into a car and fuck up the roof that bad?!

You were going to comment on it but got distracted by the luring sound of one of your favorite songs. Without saying a word you booked it downstairs into the room where it was coming from and was met with disco lights and body's pushing up on each other.

"That's not how you dance to this song!"


Looking to your right you were met with a torso that matched your shirt and looking up you saw a very attractive face with horrible make up. Gasping you took his arm, jerking him down to your eye level.

"SHIRT TWIN! Now I just know you know how to move to this song let's show em how it's done!"


Practically dragging him to the middle of the dance floor with  you, staggering beside you, you took his hand and started to do the kick ball change in a cute classy way he took notice then started to do the same once you got him to dance along with you that's when it really took off. You two started grooving to the melody.

And if it wasn't for the fact that you were to focus dancing you would've noticed all eyes on you cheering for you and your mysterious shirt twin. Also that Law and Nami caught up with Nami recording everything and Law looked like he was about to actively strangle himself.

Rolling your arms you two really started to get into

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