Thanks a lot jackass

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" lass don't fall asleep you'll fall.. again."

You let out an annoyed groan.

" I can just feel the grin in you voice you old fart, are we there yet?"

You two had been talking for a while getting to know each other as he walked to what he called his real back yard that was a lot farther than the main house.

Or what you assumed was the main house but was really just the damn porch.

So far you've learned his name is Edward Newgate, But for so reason he says people call him Whitebeard.

Weird as fuck but were you really in a place to judge?

And his family calls him pops.

You teasingly called him papi after that and he quite literally dropped you.

He caught you before you could fall but still it was like falling off a short cliff you made a mental note to not flirt with him.

Also after nearly traumatizing you to death he made you promise never to call him that again.

Rude old fuck


Apparently, No one even uses those rooms or bedrooms in the entrance house honestly, unless they're drunk or to lazy to go to the main home.

Everything else was for guests sooo

Basically, it was just for show or to trick people

These rich ass people with their decoy houses..

You also learned that man whose lap you were sitting on was Luffy's brother's father figure that takes him in every once in a while.

And that Luffy had enough brothers to make an army.

"We'll be there in a minute I'm taking the scenic way."

You sighed for what felt like the 50th time.

You weren't having the kind of fun that you thought you would be having.

Not that you were complaining this man was nice old people company not that that was a bad thing.

Honestly you weren't even feeling the party at all you didn't know anyone like that except for Nami and Luffy.

Right now you just wanna lay down in your bed and sleep a little.

Just then you saw lights and started to hear music and people getting closer.

"Finally I was about to fall asleep! again."

" Lass I said watch it I don't want you falling off."

You rolled your eyes and bopped your head to the music.

There were people staring at you both mainly in shock but it didn't really bother you.

"So old man what do you do for a living to live like this?"

"Why murder of course "

He started laughing hysterically as you froze.

What the fuck could you say to that? Me too?

No fucking way.

" Im messing dear! you should see the look on your face!"


You tried to punch him but you really doubt he felt it because he just continue to laugh harder.

" jackass.."

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