Can't we know peace?

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"Hey dude relax I'm sure you just got me mix up with someone else."

You didn't really feel threatened or anything the guy was just really pouty and drowsy he looked like he was going to fall over any minute now- he wasn't going to hurt you.

But you were a little annoyed at emo boy walking away from you both after you calmed the man down.

Fucking emo pussy even if he's hot doesn't mean he has to be a dick and bail on me.

You sighed, you were sitting on a couch with this man who you didn't think you knew the name of and for the first time in 10 months you've wanted nothing more than to tell this guy to fuck off.

"No it has to be you from that alligator ass's casino you took all my money."

He was pointing at you and using the couch cushion as support to sit upright he was practically siding off of it.

"Alligator? Casino?? Do you mean Crocodile's casino in Alabasta??" You grab him by the jaw and took a closer examination of his face.

" Wait a minute... Thatch??" He pulled his face away from you and fell back on the couch.

"See I knew you were that same girl." Just then Emo babe came back with a bottle of water and forced Thatch drink it with some pills.

" Thatch-ya you really shouldn't drink so much Marco won't be happy." He then sat next to you resting an arm behind you as Thatch mumbled something.

"Aw emo baby has a sweet side and you came back for me!~" he rolled his eyes.

"But back to you Thatch I didn't steal from you I stole from the people with you yes, but I wasn't the one to take anything from you it was some weirdo who paid me to distract you guys. Then he told me I could take anything from any one of them but you after he gave me 2million berries."

Thatch finished his water then just blank stared intensively at you.

Is he still?... Jackass

"Thatch you're still drunk off your ass you old dog."

You sighed and crossed your arms as Thatch tried to move about but failed and went down head first into your lap.

" OUI! Thatch!"

Law tried to pull him off you but Thatch ended up being a lot harder to move then you both thought and it didn't help that he fell asleep with his face buried in your stomach.

" I'm going to kill him..."

Law sighed. " looks like you're stuck with him... literally.." you let out a fake laugh and groaned.

"I'm pretty sure he's annoying brother is somewhere around here- he looked like a pineapple do you mind getting him?"

Law just walked off hopefully he went to go get him like you asked.

"He's score is now a 7- if only his hot emo ass wasn't such a unresponsive dick.."

you sighed for what felt like the thousandth time tonight and started messing with Thatch hair.

If he was going to hog all your time he was going to pay for it with his hair.

Honestly last time you saw him his hair was shorter and down not in..whatever this was...

It wasn't that bad though some guys were playing a video game on the flatscreen in front of you on the floor so you at least had something to watch.

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