I hate that man

136 5 2

{15 minutes before}

"Are you sure you saw her go this way Ace-ya??"

"Yes I'm sure it's hard to keep your eyes off someone that fine." He let out a whistle as Law gave him a look.

Luffy laughed stuffing his face with cookies.

"You guys are so funny you fell for her act !she just likes mess with people in a sexually way; says it's funny as hell and now I see it really is!" 

They were all processing that information or more like law and Marco were;

Ace was being pouty and telling luffy to stop having hot friends and Sabo just shrugged off the information not really caring and continue to look around till Koala and Nami bump into him and the rest of them.

" Sabo please tell me you found her."

"Well we did- she was in the performance so we couldn't just snatch her off the stage but after that we went to were she walked off to which was here but I don't think she's in this area anymore sorry Koala."

Koala covered her hands in her face, "No Sabo it's fine im just worried she's get into something else."

"We've been losing her all night and the race starts in a few minutes I don't want her to be by herself because she doesn't know anyone here besides from Luffy and me- no offense, but you guys have a some questionable people here too please just text me if you see her again and make sure she stays with or around you."

Nami walked off with Luffy and Koala close behind leaving them standing there.

" I forgot Y/n-ya doesn't really know anyone here, this could be a problem ."

"We'll just have to do what Nami said; we have no time to go looking for her, now let's get in position"

They all nodded and headed off to the track.

Everything was set up nicely all remaining cars were good to go though there was one angry ex contester that was sulking in the corner; couldn't blame him though anyone would be mad if there billion dollar custom design car was mess up even if they were gonna get it fixed for free it still sucked.

Queen was still playing music as the monitors were being set up to seeing different areas of the track course and starting point as the other stage where Marco and Ace would be giving a play by play of the rules and how the race was progressing.

Nami came to stand next to them as they got their mics checked, she would be doing the count down and had to change into a black tight leather outfit.

She frowned as she looked around at the people gathering.

"She isn't here, have you seen her in the crowd in the time you been up here?"

Ace and Marco shared a look.

"Sorry Nami we haven't but don't worry she's probably just messing with some guys back at one of the house and if not we'll look for her after the race alright?" Nami was still frowning but nodded and got into her position.

Marco sighed. "Let's get this over with quickly."

The cameras started to roll and everyone cheered as Marco and Ace came on screen.

"Hello everybody welcome to our daily tomfoolery!  we're your hosts- Ace!-"

" -And Marco! Here to give you a play by play of tonight's activities! So sorry for the delays but let's get right to it by introducing our contesters."

Ace signaled above him as the screen showed a row of 10 luxurious sports cars.

"Starting off with a some strong and beloved hotheads- Kid and Killer with their lovely ride Victoria Punk!!"

What Could Go Wrong? { One Piece x Plus Size Reader }Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя