9~ Blacking out

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I headed to my room which was right down the hall from Jays. Quickly i grabbed stuff in case i had to leave. things just felt weird here and i still had almost no answers except now i know that Alex is alive. after walking into the bathroom to grab my medicine i found that it was gone.

"I swear they were just here" I said shaking my head and looking around. it was then i noticed written on the wall of the shower, with what looked to be black permanent marker, was Stay away from him.

'stay away from who and who the hell broke in and vandalized my bathroom' i thought shaking my head and trying my best to wash the writing off the wall. I heard my bathroom door creak open slowly and swung around ready to strike whoever was coming in but no one was there.

"talk about being paranoid" I muttered after finishing getting what i could off then slowly walked out and flopping back on the bed. "maybe I can sleep in my car while i look for Alex and try to help him" i muttered after giving a few violent coughs.

The coughing only got worse as I got up and searched for my pills. "where... did i... leave them" I noticed my camera was on my bed and hit record. I fell on the floor coughing violently and could hear pounding at my door.

"Ali! Ali are you in there!" Jays voice shouted. I looked around for whatever i could to help me get up and tried to answer back. "Ali get out of there!"

I don't remember anything past him saying that only the blood, his voice, and the camera which had recorded it all.


AUTHORS NOTE: I'm sorry that its so short. I've had verry bad writers block and its unedited so it might be choppy and a little sucky too. Whatever. hope you enjoyed though ~Ali_4_Later

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