Chapter 15 - jealousy

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listen as you read ⬆️⬆️

Ralph's POV:

I brush my hair back and close my eyes. i sighed and felt lonely. I get a notification from instagram, it was from margaret's page. I would usually ignore it but knowing that she might be with louise, i opened it. it was on her story, it was a picture of her stalking henry and louise at a cafe. my eyes opened wide and saw that louise'a account was tagged. I click on it and his newest post was him sitting across from henry with what looked liked to be hot chocolate as henry held his phone out covering his face. I furrow my brows and call margaret.

Margaret's POV:

I'm walking on the pavement down the towns square with susan. as we are walking, I see henry and louise in a cafe by the window. Huh? what are they doing here? i snap a picture and post it on my private instagram story.

M - "Hey susan, look!"
S - "isn't that henry and louise?"
M - "yeah! that's a little weird, he didn't transfer long ago and yet henry and him are getting along quite well. I wonder what ralph will think of this"
S - "yea! oh look! ralph already opened it, that was a little fast don't you think?"
M - "yea..."

we sat down at a near by bench and gossiped about the three of them.

M - "You don't think they're in a love triangle, do you..?
S - "What? no!! no way, it's sooo obvious that ralph likes henry and i'm sure that henry is just getting along with louise in a friendly way!"
M - "i guess.. Oh shoot-! ralph's calling"
S - "Pick it up!"

I tap on the accept button and it was silent for a few seconds.

M - "h-hello..?"
R - "margaret, where's henry?"
M - "he's with louise.., why?"
R - "i mean, where the fuck is he at"
M - "he's at ———— cafe in the towns square, and before you come here all fast and furious, we know you like henry, ralph."
R - " 'we'?"
S - "yea! we see the way you look at him ralph"
M - "mhm, and it's best to not interfere now. just wait until he gets back. also, your really not good at hiding your jealousy ralph"
S - "and just to let you know, henry loves you. so you better tell him that you love him too or lou is gonna snatch him away!"
R - "alright alright! and-..., thanks.."
M - "whateva slogsnot"

Me and susan get up from the bench and walk to the nearest bakery because both of us are craving baguettes

Ralph's POV:

I sigh and drop my phone beside me. What if henry actually doesn't like me? I hear my parents go out and groan. What if i confess to henry about my feelings and he thinks of disgusting? there's no way...right?  i mean, we've been friends for so long. he can't turn back on me now, besides we've done so much gay shit together. like that time we got drunk and had sex, or those make out sessions in the school bathrooms. My head starts to wail because of my overthinking. i glance on the floor, looking at the little sharpie mark that indicates my liquor stash. I sit up and lean over the floor and lift up the loose floor board. I grab a small bottle of sweet peach flavored wine and lock my bedroom door, i twist off the cap and took a swing. I never really liked the flavor of wine or beer, but i do like fruity flavored achohol so i always bought those. I wipe my mouth and stare outside my window. it was the afternoon, i was drinking in the afternoon. i could've waited til sunset and drink but no, my dumbass decided to drink in broad daylight. i took another swing and that's when i started to feel it. Every sip i took, i longed for henry's touch. I need him. I grabbed my phone and slammed the bottle of fruity liquid on my nightstand.

HENRY 🏴‍☠️
3:35 PM

                    ( henry ) > R

H < ( hm? )

( can yoy sleepovrr for todsy ?) > R

H < ( why? )
H < ( i would but we have school tomorrow )
H < ( nd whats wrong w your spelling lol )

( just pleasr sleepover
i'll have my mom drop us off ) > R

H < ( mm alright... )

         ( ily henry ) > R

Henrys POV:

I stared that message for a second before typing back a 'ilyt <3' I blushed and smiled like a idiot as i continued to walk home. i changed my direction and walked to ralph's instead, i didn't bother to ask for permission. it felt like ralph needed me, i'll always be there for him anyways. i love him, sure it sounds cheesy but i would die if he wasn't by my side. he's like my life support, no way am i letting go of my life support. Ralph, please, love me too.

I got to his house and pull out a key for the front door, i remember ralph giving me his spare key when we're 12. it was dark, i assumed his parents went out again. i turned on the living room lights and nothing else. i took off my shoes and jacket. i went upstairs and quietly knocked on ralph's door. Nothing. i carefully push it open and see ralph taking a nap with a bottle of sweet peach wine on his nightstand, i sighed and quietly walked up to him. i sat down on the floor next to him and my head down on the bed as i stared at him, i fidget with his hair and smile a little. he's so pretty. I love his brunette hair and dark brown eyes, not to mention his soft hands. i was dazing off as i was admiring him but i quickly snap out of it as ralph started to wake up. I pull out a small packet of gummy bears and give it to him, he took it and placed it on his nightstand. He looked at me with eyebags, i thought it was cute.

H - "quite the hangover huh?"
R - "mm...when'd you get here..."

3rd person POV:

Henry thought it would be funny if he teased him a little since ralph has hungover and tired. henry climbed onto bed and sat on ralph's lap. Ralph blushed and hugged his waist, putting his head on henry's chest.

H - "not that long ago, why were you drinking? last time you drank was when gurinder broke up with you haha"
R - "why were you out with louise..?"
H - "what?"
R - "why.., were you out with louise.?"
H - "me and lou-"
R - "stop giving him a fucking nickname!"

Ralph squeezed henry tighter and whined.

H - "okay okay! louise just invited me to talk over in a cafe in towns square"
R - "what were your two taking about?"
H - "is this an investigation or something?"
R - "just answer me!"

henry tried to pull away from ralph's grip but ralph pulled him down on top of him, not letting go. ralph was whining to get an answer from him.

R - "henryyyy, pleaseeee"

despite from ralph's headache, he still whined.

H - "ugh fine! me and louise met up because he needed help with family problems, he said that i was confident in being mean to my little brother and wanted to learn a bit because his brother is really annoying. he also asked about school and other nerdy stuff"
R - "oh.. sorry"
H - "why are you getting so worked up anyway?!"

Henry pulled away and gripped ralph's shoulders, looking at him straight in the eyes. ralph sat up and finally got the courage to say it

- 1260 words

Horrid friends to Horrid lovers.  ( horrid henry x rude ralph )Where stories live. Discover now