† 2 † - Linking

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In one of the main wings in the base, people working hard and talking amongst each other, viewing digital scans of Pandora. Some clearing air crafts for take off, and a man named Parker Selfridge stood in front of his mini golf course made of a tiny walkway of fake grass, random mug , and golf balls.

He got ready to take aim into the mug and shot straight and hit it right into the goal. "You see that?" He asked a worker "Yes, sir" the man replied "No you didn't you were looking at the monitor." He chuckled to himself and went to retrieve the ball as Grace was angrily making her way to the wing parker was in.

"I love this putter, Ronnie! I love this putter." Parker exclaimed as Grace stomped her way to him "Parker, you know, I used to think it was benign neglect, but now I see that you're intentionally screwing with me!" She said angrily "Grace you know I love our little talks" Parker said sounding annoyed as he went to line his next shot up but before the ball could make it grace kicked the cup "Oops" she said.

"I need a researcher. Not some jarhead dropout."

"Well I think we got lucky with him." Parker explained to grace "Lucky?" Questioned grace "How is this in any way lucky?" She said with a glare and parker went on with explaining " Well lucky your guy had a twin brother, and lucky that brother wasn't some oral hygienist or something." ---- " A marine we could use, I'm assigning him to your team as security escort."

"The last thing I need is another trigger-happy moron out there!" Grace argued back angrily "Look, look you're supposed to be winning the hearts and minds of the natives." --- "Isn't that the whole point of your little puppet show? If you look like them, and you talk like them then they'll start trusting us." Parker explained

"We build them a school, we teach them English , but after what? How many years?"

"Relations with the indigenous are only getting worse." --- "Yeah that tends to happen when you use machine guns on them." Grace said sternly. Parker then looked off to the side "Right. Come here." He motioned with his hand and then walked to his office as he grabbed a floating rock and showed it to her.

"This is why we're here. Unobtanium. Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo." ---- "That's the only reason, it's what pays for the whole party."

"It's what pays for your science. Comprendo?" Parker finishes his rant and puts the unobtanium back on it's platform.

"Now, those savages are threatening our whole operation, were on the brink of war, and you're supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution." He says as he hits the table with his hand a few times.

"So use what you've got, and get me some results."

Time skip

As Jake , Norm and Grace walk into the link room you can see some scientists clearing out the tanks that once held Jake and Norms Avatars, and more scientists were checking the avatars and getting them ready.

"So, how much link time have you logged?" Grace questioned norm "About five hundred and twenty hours." ---- "That's good." Grace answers as she points to a link pod "You're in there." She says to Norm and then points to another pod "You're here." As Jake follows behind wheeling himself to the pod. "How much have you logged?" Grace questions him "Zip. But I read a manual."

Grace then turns around with an unimpressed look on her face "Tell me your joking." She says looking at him as Jake ignores her poking into the foam in the link "This is cool."

"Let's go." Norm says as he hops in his pod while Jake does the same but has a harder time because of his legs. As Grace tries to help him, he swats her hands away "Don't. I've got this." As he lifted his legs up and into the link.

【P】【a】【t】【h】【s】 [ᴊᴀᴋᴇ ꜱ. x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora