† 5 † - Acceptance

557 19 0

Kehe : no

Snonivi : hammock

As they entered the village many na'vi could be seen staring at the sky person occasionally touching him on the arm and some moving away frightened as mother's and father's kept their children close to them.

Y/n's POV :

I climbed down from the dire horse quickly followed by Tsu'tey as he went ahead of the group. The warriors holding Jake by the braid close behind. I guided the group along to meet father and mother also looking for Neytiri as I missed her dearly since telling her to leave back to home tree. As we approached I could see father and Tsu'tey talking along with Neytiri and I quickly ran ahead to greet my sister. "I see you sister" I greeted her making a hand motion out towards her "I see you y/n" She replied back making the same hand motion out towards me. As we finished greeting I turned to father and greeted him "Father, I see you." I greeted to him.

He nodded his head towards me but his mood quickly diminished as he saw the dream walker emerge from the crowd giving me a stern look. "Y/n my daughter, Neytiri told me you we're out late hunting. Was that a lie? Why do you bring this creature here." He asked sternly as the warriors held their ground still holding Jake by his braid as he looked at us confused. "Yes, father I apologize for lying but I had good reason." I explained to him "You see I was going to kill him but me and neytiri spotted a sign from eywa." I assured him. Father then looked to Neytiri for an answer "Father it's true I gave the okay for y/n to kill him but an atokrina came down stopping us" Neytiri expressed.

"I have said no dream walker will come here." He said done with our shenanigans. "What's he saying?" Jake whispered to me wearily as the warriors had let his braid go. "His alien smell fills my nose" Father expresses making the people laugh along to his joke. "Hey, what's he saying?" Jake asked again to me as I turned to him giving him an answer "My father is deciding whether to kill you." I answered back simply Jake's ears flattened by the tiniest bit taken aback. "Your father?" Jake said surprised and stepped around me "It's nice to meet you, sir." He said offering his hand but before he could I turned to him and the many warriors that surrounded him pulled him back. "Kehe!" I and a few others exclaimed as he was pushed back.

"Step back!" Mother exclaimed as she started coming down the spiral of stairs that surrounded the base of the tree. "I will look at this alien." She said finally walking down the spiral stairs and passing me to look at Jake. "That is Mother." I explained "She is Tsahik. The one who interprets the will of Eywa."

"Who's Eywa?" Jake questioned as he was circled by Mother. She began to touch his braid grabbing it before letting it go, and also grabbing his tail before trailing back to the front to face him. "What are you called?" Mother asked him as I watched the scene unfold curious as well cause I never got his name. "Jake Sully." He answered quickly as mother glared at him before she pulled the bone dagger from her necklace and stabbed it into him as he let out a little hiss of pain as she licked his blood. "Why did you come to us?" Mother demand as she put her bone dagger back into her necklace. "I came to learn" he answered softly "We have tried to teach other Sky People." Mother answered truthfully "It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." She warned as Jake let out a little chuckle.

"Well, my cup is empty, trust me. Just ask Dr. Augustine. I'm no scientist." He answered truthfully and my ears perked up at the mention of Graces name again. "What are you?" Mother questioned as Jake thought about his next answer "I was a Marine. A uh... A warrior of the Jarhead clan." He answered nervously. I turned to hear Tsu'tey speak "A warrior! I could kill him easily!" He boasted before trying to run at Jake before Father stopped him putting a hand on his chest. "Kehe! This is the first warrior dream walker... We have seen." Father said as I faced him waiting for his answer "We need to learn more about him." As he finished his speech mother then approached me, I didn't like where this was going. "My Daughter, you will teach him our way...to speak and walk as we do" I looked at her in disbelief as I let out a quiet hiss "Kehe! Why me? And not neytiri " I answered irritated. "Excuse me?" Neytiri said before we could bicker Mother stopped us "It is decided y/n." I let out an exclaim of annoyance looking away.

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