† 6 † - Na'vi Lessons

407 19 1

Snonivi : Hammock


"Guy's, Right now!" Max called out to the link crew as they got the pods ready for linking. As Jake came back from his little meeting with the Colonel and Parker. Grace began teaching Jake the name's of Omaticaya people so he could learn a thing or two before he started his lessons.

"Okay, let's run through them again." Grace informed as they walked to the pods as Jake rolled besides Grace with Norm in the back. "Mo'at. Dragon lady." Jake repeats as Grace swipes to the next picture "Eytucan." He butchered"Eytukan. He's the clan leader." Grace repeats and continues "But she's the spiritual leader." Grace explains referring to Mo'at as Norm hangs his arm on the top of Jake's pod biting his nails. "Like a shaman." Grace adds "Got it." Jake nodded as Grace showed him the next picture.

"T'su'tey." Jake says as he starts propping himself up into the pod. "Tsu'tey." Grace corrects him again. "Tsu'tey." Jake repeats getting it right the second time around. Grace then swipes to the next picture. "Neytiri" she states "Neytili" Jake repeats butchering it "Neytiriii" Grace repeats already annoyed. "Neytirii" Jake repeats correctly as Grace swipes to the final picture as Jake instantly recognized the person. "Y/n." Jake says perfectly with a slight smile present on his face "She'll be the next Tsahik." Grace states as she watches his face curiously. "Her and Tsu'tey become a mated pair."

"So who's this Eywa?" Jake questions "Who's Eywa?" Norm scoffs shocked by his question. "Only their deity. Their goddess, made up of all living things." He rants "Everything they know." Putting his hands out before putting them back down to his sides with an annoyed expression. "You'd know this if you had any training whatsoever."

"Who's got a date with the chief's daughter?" Jake smirked holding up Y/n's picture to show Norm. "Oh, Come on. That's not..." Norm argued before Grace interrupted them. "All right, knock it off you two." She says rolling her eyes. "Let's go. Village life starts early." She explained "Don't do anything unusually stupid." She warned as Jake looked away with a smirk present on his face before the pod closed.


Y/n's POV :

As I woke up I looked to my right wondering if that was just some dream I had. And to my disappointment it wasn't. Just then Jake opened his eyes as I was staring "Hellooo there princess" Jake said to me with a smirk. I quickly gave him a glare before he could continue as I got up and quickly swung myself out of my snonivi. As I looked down I could see Jake struggling to get himself out of the snonivi and so I walked over and offered him a hand which he gladly accepted. "Come." I said looking at him for a second before continuing to walk down the spiral stairs. The sounds of children playing and my people chatting away as they did their daily tasks filled my ears as I let out a smile. I wandered off to go get a dire horse to start his lessons as he stayed within the area.

Jake began wandering the area as curious children followed shortly behind. He took note of that as he pretended to not know as more children followed him laughing their little hearts out. One went to pull at his tail as they all gathered around him as he pretended not to care. I came back watching the scene unfold as Jake turned around yelling playfully startling the kids as they all let out little yelps and continued giggling. He took quick notice of me "Howdy." He said as I got off the dire horse motioning for him to follow as I led him and the dire horse out to an open area.


As other dire horse around grazed in some flowers sticking their large tounges in some tall flowers. I got pa'ley ready as I held onto her snout comfortingly. "Easy boy..." Jake said not knowing the gender "Pa'ley is female." I stated letting go of her snout slowly and we traveled around to the side so Jake could mount her. Just then pa'ley smacked Jake in the head with her antenna making me let out a snort before I quickly corrected myself. "It's alright pa'ley, It's alright, Easy girl." I cooed to her in na'vi as Jake began to mount her. When he successfully mounted her I began to explain as I grabbed her antenna for Jake to grab. He grabbed his braid in the back remembering what he had seen before as he was playing with his back at the avatar hut as he joined his with hers. Pa'ley let out a few snorts surprised by the bond as Jake looked in surprise while I calmed her down in na'vi as I began to explain.

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