† 10 † - Toruk Macto

295 11 1

I was a warrior who dreamed he could
                          bring peace.

Sooner or later though, you always have    
                            to wake up.

Jake's avatar landed on the ashy ground with a thud. Back in the link room human Jake could be seen as a soldier forcefully opened his link as faint shouting could be heard.

He was picked up as he was unresponsive at the moment as Norm struggled against the restraints he was cuffed to on the railing.

"Put him down!" He yelled out in anger as the soldier ignored him swinging Jake over his shoulder.

Grace struggled against two soldiers trying to cuff her as she reached her peak in anger as she yelled out "You murderer!" She declared at Parker as she was walked out of the link room along with Jake and Norm.

Back with the Omaticaya many villagers could be seen cradling their babies as others carried wounded and children as many sobs could be heard from the loss of their home.

Mo'at, Neytiri and Y/n all walked together as Y/n's head could be seen hung high as she looked emotionless along with Neytiri.

Y/n looked back for a quick second as she stopped. Two na'vi could be seen pulling Grace's avatar as they passed her.

Her lip quivered as she looked ready to cry again but Neytiri quickly noticed Y/n's disappearance as she turned around and put a hand on her shoulder motioning her to follow as she complied turning away from the destruction of their home as they continued on.


Grace, Norm and Jake could all be seen huddled into a tiny cell as Jake's head hung low as Grace and Norm laid on the makeshift 'beds' as they stared up at the ceiling.

A cart could be seen making it's way to the entrance of the jail as the soldier watching the group quickly noticed as he pushed a button as the glass door slid open.

"What's going on, brother? Long time no see." Trudy greeted the guard as Norm quickly recognized her voice as he was the first to turn and look out as Grace and Jake quickly followed as they watched the scene unfold.

"Hey." The guard greeted her as he walked towards the cart. "Personally, I don't feel these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak." She confessed as the guard stopped the cart not believing the meal they were about to get.

"They get steak? That's bullshit. Let me see." He said not believing it as Trudy rounded the cart as she came up from behind him gun in hand.

She chuckled as she pressed the gun against his head "Yeah. You know what that is. Down. All the way down." She commanded as she clocked him in the head as the group took notice as they all walked towards the glass preventing them from leaving.

Trudy quickly turned to them as they looked at her a smile present on Norm's face as she turned around as she put her gun back in it's hoister.

"Max!" She called out as Max came running with a key card as he quickly scanned it opening the glass door.

They quickly ran out as they rounded corners and we're now running as Jake wheeled himself down a hallway with the other's as Trudy led the group gun in hand.

"Trudy, fire up the ship! Go!" Jake yelled out as they rounded more corner's determined to get out of the main base.

Trudy scanned the area outside as Norm quickly followed behind as he passed her a mask "Here you go." As they were getting ready to depart Grace and Jake followed quickly behind with Max in tow as he looked around for any potential threats.

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