† 9 † - Fall of Hometree

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Morning came upon the forest as Jake and Y/n could be seen peacefully sleeping away in each other's arm's.

Y/n had her back against Jake as she used his arm that was extended out as a pillow and his other arm wrapped around her waist.

Machines could be heard rumbling and beeping far in the distance which caught Y/n's attention making her ear's twitch and shift at the sounds.

She opened her eye's and just then she head a branch snap and crack which made her sit up urgently letting out a small gasp at the sound.

She whipped her head around looking for the cause of the sounds fearing for the worst as her tail swishes around nervously.

She could see many Utraya Mokri trees falling down along with many other Pandora trees she feared for Jake's safety turning to him and grabbing his face as more trees started to fall catching up to the mated pair.

"Ma Jake!" Y/n said shaking his body lightly trying to get him to wake up panicked by the sights behind them.

Back with Jake he could be seen getting his link ready wanting to go back to you. "Don't forget your phase integration" Norm reminded Jake as he wheeled around in Jake's wheelchair.

Grace came rounding the corner "Jake! You need to eat something." She said reminding Jake

Back with Y/n and Jake's avatar the RDA machines continued to crush the Utraya Mokri without a care in the world as Y/n continued to try and wake Jake up.

"Jake! Jake!" Y/n cried out grabbing his face again "Wake up! Jake, please!" She said on the verge of tears.


"Don't make me force-feed a cripple." Grace stated playfully wanting to make sure he ate something as she handed him a plate of eggs and coffee.

"I don't want---" Jake tried saying before getting cut off as Grace powered down his link "---Hey!" He said pretending to be offended.

Y/n looked around again looking for any place she could get Jake to safety without realizing how close the machines were getting she gasped in alarm as she grabbed Jake's arm pulling him away as best as she could.

She hit the ground with a thud as a tree narrowly misses them hitting the ground. She knew she had to keep going so she grabbed the underside of both of his arms this time as she continued to pull with all her might hoping that she could get them out of this cause she felt like he wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon.

Back with Jake's human body he could be seen scarfing down some eggs just wanting to get it done with as Grace looked at him with a smile as she chuckled lightly.

Y/n kept dragging his body away and directed his body over a tree stump as she pulled him out of breath herself hoping to protect her mate from death.

Norm set Jake's link back up as he finished his food "Here. I'm done. Let's go." He said quickly expecting a perfect morning with you unknowing of the damage that was currently being done to the sacred trees.

"When was the last time you took a shower?" Grace questioned Jake pulling at his shirt lightly "I don't need a shower."

"Jesus, Marine." Grace said calibrating the last stages for him to be able to link.

"Jake!" Y/n yelled out for the final time as she was running out of strength to pull him as the RDA bulldozer got closer.

Jake finally linked as he found you shaking him awake looking panicked as tree's fell behind the two of you.

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