Chapter 2

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So this might also be a short chapter since I couldn't sleep because of a sudden burst of ideas for this chapter but not many so hope to god if its good or not.


Britian's pov:

Surprise,surprise,Mr n@zi decided to turn on soviet so now he's getting karma for not listening to me or america about betrayal.Serves his leader right for burying his head in the snow.

I thought while walking down what was once a beautiful street in my country and now its been turned to rubble.

I walk for a bit more time which I think was half an hour or an hour,I have no clue since I don't have my watch.

"Britain,"A voice calls out to me as I spin my head around and unfolded my wings slightly to who had said it,before I look in an alleyway and there's a tall looking figure in the shadows.I can't quite make out if there a country or not but I hold onto my gun in my pocket incase.

"Britain,calm down its just Me."The now I know,country stands out of the alley and into the light,I can feel my wings droop since,I can see clearly now that it's...Soviet.

"What the bloody hell do you want?"I say in a rather harsh tone to the tall country in front of me.

"Ok,I get you don't trust me because of what I've done,but I'm only here to find you and get away from that....asshole of a country."Soviet says as if he's actually sorry in which I don't believe right away but I take my hand of my gun and fold my arms.

"Ok then,so,why do you need me?If it's something about communism you can go fuck off."

"Ok,rather harsh but it's not about communism ok?I.."Soviet seems as though he's about to die with what he's wanting to say.

"Go on."

"I need your help."Soviet says it that fast I don't even know what he said.


"Ehm..."He pauses for a second before continuing."I...need,,"I could actually hear what he said this time and I'm completely and utterly speechless.

Soviet,the biggest country in this world,needs,my,help,

"......Why my help.?"I reply with in a kinda confused tone,folding my wings back in.

"Because I thought you were going to be the only one that would help me since,america and I aren't on good terms,"

"I can see why,but what do you need help with?"I reply yet Soviets emotion became a mix of relief and surprise.

"Oh,ye I kinda need a place to stay 'cause third is invading my homeland and I don't feel safe there."Soviet replied with a bit after I asked the question.

"Oh."I say almost in relief that it's not something bad."Well I could let you stay at mine but it isn't really much safer here either because of the bombing."Soviets eye gleamed with a kind of joy after I finished speaking.

"Ok thank you so much britian I really hope I can be able to pay you back some time in the future."He looks at me as if asking permission to hug me so I nod and as soon as I do I'm meet with my face in Soviets coat as he hugged me.

We soon get out of the embrace and start walking towards my house.

(Time skip to when they get to britians House cause I'm lazy af~)

Soviet's pov:

We soon make it to Britain's house in which is way to big to just be himself living there,oh and it started to rain on the way there so now we're both drenched.
Britians fumbles in his pocket for a second before pulling out some keys and unlocks the front door,opening it and letting me in.

"Don't forget to take your shoes off I don't want my carpet stained thank you very much."

I just shrugged and did what he said before following him upstairs to the bedrooms.

"This is a spare guest room so you can stay in here for the mean time."I could tell Britian was tired when he explained this but I just ignored that for now.

"Alright,again thank you for actually putting up with me."

"It's the..least I could do."Britian says before yawning for a second.

I don't know why but it's actually kinda cute when he yawns like that...why did I just think that?He was one of my enemies and now I'm calling him cute,I can't lie though-soviet stop your not I?
I come back to reality when britian claps his hands in front of my face before I remember what I just thought.

"Hello?World to Soviet?You were staring at me the entire time."Britian says in a kind of tired and annoyed tone.

"Oh,ye sorry I got cause up in my thoughts on accident."I gave an awkward smile after starting to fidget with my sleeve as I felt my face start to go warmer for some odd reason.

"Ok then just,get some sleep,please?I also want to sleep because of all the work I've had to do today."

"Ok then good night."I say to Britian before going in my room,not long after I heard Britian going to his room after I shut my door and plop on the bed.

I cant believe what happened today,it started out like any other,that is before I started seeing explosions and felt them too.I can't believe I made that alliance in the first place,it was a stupid idea,especially with him in it.I should of listened to Britian and america.If I had,all of this,wouldn't have happened.


Aayye chapter 2,completed!We can all see now that this is starting to go somewhere,and I'm sorry if that was a bad end to this chapter,I kinda started running out of ideas fast.

Anywho have a good night/day and see you soon!

Word count:1043(counts the author bit at the end too)

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