Chapter 4

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No one's pov:

Soviet was sitting on Britain's couch since Britain had gone out and now he came back.

Soviets pov:

I was just sitting on the couch extremely bored before I heard the front door open then close.

Is that britain?It must be since no one else is here.

I look back up to see Britain walking towards the couch wiping his eyes with his wings practically dragging on the floor before sitting down.

"Hey soviet,"

"привет(hi/hello) Britain,you OK?"

"Yeah,just tired,thirds still bombing my country so it's making me tired."Britain did a quick yawn after talking before leaning back on the couch.

"Oh yeah,I thought he'd stop by now,"I frowned before moving next to Britain seeing him flinch back up,tucking his wings in with a questioning look.

"What are you doing-?"

"Just want to sit next to you,that problem?"I smirked at Britain in a joking way then crossed my legs.

",it's not a problem,"He says looking away,in which something caught my eye.

Is he blushing.?I swear I saw a different shade of red on his face, probably nothing-

I felt something hit my shoulder so I turn my head back towards Britain to see him resting his head on my shoulder fast asleep.

Huh,guess he really was that tired.Im not lying though but he looks cute when he's asleep-....OK I'm gay.I officially like this little country.

I put my arm around his waist and pull him into an embrace so his head is still resting on my shoulder.Then what surprises me is that the small Brit hugs me in his sleep.I can feel my face heat up more but this time I ignore it and rest my chin on his head.I take this chance to also feel his wings and finding out how soft and fluffy they are.Sleep does catch up to me eventually and I fall sleep.

(The next morning brought to you by a very confused and tired britain)

Britain's pov:

I woke up feeling something warm before my eyes flutter open to see myself hugging soviet and him hugging me,still fast asleep.I felt my cheeks heat up alot since I didn't know what to do without waking him up.

Uuuhhh what do I do????I woke up hugging soviet and now I'm having a mini panic attack.Great start to a morning....then again,it's comfy and I kinda wanna stay like this-what the fuck is wrong with me???He's a communist and I'm a capitalist,that can't work!And America would not approve if I really like soviet-

"Hi I see your awake."

"Soviet,....what the fuck"I look up to soviet who has a smug face on stareing right back at me.

"Mhm,you fell asleep on me so i took chance."He says before resting his chin on my head making me blush furiously.

"You're blushing alot,you hot?"

"H-huh?!I am??"

"да."I look back up to his face seeing he has a different shade of red on his face.

"You're blushing too."I say smugly.

"Hm?oh I know."I look back down in disappointment tucking my wings In more before soviet pulls me closer to him.

"S-soviet what are you doing-?"

"Ssh I wanna sleep more."He interrupts me before going back to sleep.

"Ok then-"I say before just sitting there not knowing what to do.

"You can go back sleep too you know."

"O-Ok then,"I say before going back to sleep surprisingly.

(God knows how much more time later)

Soviet's pov:

I woke up once again realising this time britain isn't on the couch,I jump up looking around then seeing britain in the kitchen drinking tea.I take a sigh of
relief,get up and start walking towards the kitchen.

"Good morning-or afternoon,soviet."I look out the window to see the sun about half way across the sky before turning back to Britain.

"Good evening then."Britain stops drinking his tea and looks out the window.

"God,evening already,I don't think I've ever slept that long,"Britain looks back down at his tea from the window and continues drinking it.

"Hhmmm I've slept more though.Not surprising for me."Britain looks back at me almost wide-eyed before looking away in surprise.

"God,I don't think I'll ever be able to get that much sleep ever again though,cause of the war,work and other stuff I need to do."

"Sad."I simply say going to sit on a tall stool almost next to Britain but a decent space apart.



(I lost a bit of motivation and ideas around the end of this chapter so if it is really short I'm sorry
Have a nice day/night!

Word count:810

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