Chapter 5

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Let's gooo I actually have a few ideas for this chapter!I am going to 'attempt' to get past atleast 1000 words for this chapter.
(Credits to @evathebrit for an idea in the chapter5 ideas)


Britain's pov:

Me and Soviet were just sitting on the couch,I had tea and he sat cross-legged.I would have gone on a walk but it is pouring it down outside,(*cough*British weather)and pretty bad too,its common sense to not go on a walk in the rain.

"This pretty boring."I hear soviet say looking over to him.I hum in response and finish my tea,putting it on the coffee table.

"Movie night?"

"Sounds good."I reply with folding my wings in more and crossing my arms.

"хорошо,тогда(ok then)"I just shrugged not really knowing what that meant before getting up and going to the kitchen.Soviet follows me with a look of confusion on what I'm doing.

"What you doing?"

"Making hot chocolate."I say turning on the kettle.

"Ok."Soviet simply replies with going back to the couch.I look over to where Soviet is before turning back around and making the hot chocolate.

I walk back over to the couches with the hot chocolate.I put it on the coffee table looking back up to soviet looking like he's trying to remember something.

"Something the matter?"Soviet looks back to me before speaking.

"Nothing,but,what we watching?"

"Uhm,.......huh I don't know what to watch now."

"Scary movie?"I instantly go into a different room and come back covered in layers of blankets

Soviet looks at me with a look of confusion as I walk over and go on the couch.I became a blanket blob on the couch.

"Why are you-"

"If we are watching scary movies I am being a blanket blob and I don't care."I interrupt Soviet turning my head to face him.He just shrugs and starts walking towards the couch sitting next to me.

I reach for the remote and grab it pulling it in the blankets.I wouldn't really be doing this very often but because I was with soviet,I become what I think if my child side I never knew I had.

"Which one?"I ask.

"Any?"Soviet replies with,I just shrugged before picking a random one.

(A little later)

Of course the one I picked was a slasher one.It was one of them where the main character came so close to dying so many times.I just stare at the movie,like it doesn't scare me when I'm screaming mentally on the inside just truly terrified.

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