Chapter 6

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Hya,sorry I haven't published a chapter in a while,I've been caught up in school and had practically no idea what to write yet here we are now.Actually writing something :,)
Anyway hope you enjoy this shit I made up.(also warning there's quite alot of Swearing in this chapter 😳)


(Continuation of the last chapter btw)

Ya brit boys pov:

I just stood there.I didn't know what to do or say.Soviet just fucking kissed me and now America's fuming about it.I really don't know why but I liked it.

'I.Liked.It.I fucking liked it.Why am I feeling this way to a country who runs their country completely different compared to me.Am I gay??No I can't possibly be gay,it would ruin my reputation...right?'

Meanwhile as I was having my mini thoughts about what the fucked just happened,I heard america still arguing with Soviet about what he just did.I end up snapping back to reality when America starts yelling alot louder.

"YOU JUST FUCKING KISSED MY GODAMN FATHER.'COURSE IM GOING TO BE FUCKING FUMMING."I still stand there thinking if I'm going to have to step in at one point or else things will get worse in the future.

"'OfCoUrSe I'm GoInG tO bE fUcKiNg FuMmInG'.Do you control Britain?!NO!So why you acting like I've just chopped his arm off while all I've done is бля(fucking) KISSED him!!"Yeah I think I'm going to have to step in because Soviet just mimicked a part of what america said and now he looks like he wants to kill Soviet even with his wings slightly spread.Great.

"Ok can you two just calm the fuck down??Your acting like kids who are fighting over the last fucking sweet!"I yell at them going in between both of them with my hands facing both of them,extending my wings out sightly.

Soviet seems to calm himself relatively quickly while america still tries to make excuse after excuse after excuse over and over again.

"I'm trying to protect you dad!You can't love someone like him he's a fucking-!"

"A communist!I.Know.And you can't control who other people want to love and who don't want to love just because YOU dont like them."I interrupted America since I had enough at this point and how overprotective he's being over Soviet kissing me.KISSING ME.

"So your admiting you like him?!"I could instantly tell Soviet was shocked at this even if I wasn't looking at him since he's been quiet between all of this argument of me and America.

"No.Im saying you can't control who people can and can't love.Its wrong in so many ways and that how overprotective your being over one simple act.One.Simple.Act."I could tell I won this argument since america looked like he had nothing to say about it before sighing,seemingly like he finally calmed down folding his arms as he folding his wings in,me doing the same.

"Ok,fine.Im sorry."

"Good.Now say it to Soviet."America looked at me with a looking of,'are you kidding me?!' Even with his sunglasses on I could tell.Before sighing again and going over to Soviet.

I turn around to see Soviet shocked that americas doing so.Something he'd never expect.

America growled before mumbling,"I'm sorry."Under his breath.He then walked back over to me and hugged me,something I didn't expect.

"I did cone here to check if you were alright with all that's been going on and you are so I'm going to go now.Goodbye."America says before letting me go and walking out the door,spread his wings out and flying off  before I can even say anything else.

"So,what now?"I slightly jump since I didn't expect Soviet to just be there.

"I don't really know,can't really go on a walk again because the weather's still shit-"Im cut of by Soviet putting his arm around my waist and bringing me into a kiss.(FINALLY!YEEEEEEEEEEEEE-(Ahem,sorry I've been waiting so long for one to last alot longer than a millisecond like the last one))I accept it by kissing back and putting my arms around his neck.

The kiss lasts alot longer than expected but we do part eventually,gazing into each others eyes,or in my case,gazing into his eye.

"So we official now?"Soviet eventually says catching my attention since I had been daydreaming.

"Uhhmm,yes.?I don't really know to be honest."I then wrap my arms around his torso into a kinda hug.

"Ok then,I'll accept that answer....for now."

"Wait,what do you mean for now-"Before I can finish speaking Soviets picks me up so suddenly,out of pure panic of falling I wrap my legs around his torso too.Only realising moments later when I could sense Soviet was smirking.I fold in my wings a bit more so there not on the floor.

"My plan worked I guess."I look up to Soviet who does indeed have a smirk on his face as I look up at him with a mixed look of confusion and not impressed.

"What do you mean plan??"As soon as I ask my question Soviet starts to go to what I presume to be the living room in which it was when soviet tried letting go of me so I'd fall onto the couch but no.That didn't work since I'm clutched onto his torso still.

"You can let go now,it's safe."I still clutched onto Soviet,this time I wrap my wings around us both.

I could here Soviet sigh then chuckle before I could tell he turned around and sat on the couch.I still clutched onto his torso with my arms before moving my legs to be more comfty aswell as my wings.

"Snuggles I'm guessing?"

"Hmm."I could hear Soviet slightly chuckle after I responded before I felt him pull me into a hug and start running his fingers through my hair and stroking it at times.I did feel my face heat up alot yet I ignored it this Time.I eventually drift of still hugging Soviet and him still hugging me.I wonder where this relationship will go?


Hya!Hope you liked this chapter I did kind off run out of ideas towards the end but hey!Atleast I actually written something hehe.This might be a bit of a shorter chapter because of my lack of ideas,but,
Anyway hope you enjoyed this and have a good night/day!

Word count:1088

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