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Scaramouche's point of view—

He pushed the girl away, who does she think she is? Ever heard of consent? Christ...

"I know about your past. I know what you did back at Ritou Academy." That Mona girl looks calm.

What the fuck? How does she know all that?

"What do you want?" He asks her, a slight sense of nervousness creeping in.

Nobody here knew of his past, much less of the things he did. Nobody even knew his mother is Inazuma's archon.

"Date me. At least until after the school's fair."

Just what is she scheming?

"No way, did you hit your head?" He scoffs.

"I'll tell your precious Y/n about all the things you've done... I don't think she'll want to hang out with someone who nearly killed a kid." Mona looks a little bored.

In all honesty, she only dug around to blackmail him. She knew she wouldn't have a chance with him but now she does.

Scaramouche panics. He did nearly kill Dottore, but it wasn't unjustified. The fact still stands that he nearly killed him, how would Y/n react to that?

She seems unusually unfazed by violence and hell she even fought someone yesterday... how much does this Mona know?

"I guess I could just tell her then, I'll see you around Scaramouche." Mona turns and takes a few steps.


She smirks, she knew his weak points and knew how to use them.

"Hm? Changed your mind?" She walks back to him.

"Just until the school fair."

"Oh no, after the school fair. You're going to take me to the gala too. After that I'll be satisfied." Her smile makes his stomach turn.

She's sickening.

"Do we have a deal?" She hold her hand out.

He could just kill her....

"Don't expect me to be your perfect puppet of a boyfriend." He shakes her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be a lovely couple."

Y/n's point of view— (back to where we left off)

I decided to stay home from school today. The realisation that I maybe do actually like Scaramouche more than just a friend and then the scene of Mona kissing him make me sick to my stomach.

He did text me, numerous times, but I don't feel like replying. I don't want to talk to him.

Xiao had ordered take out and we watched a couple of episodes of Tokyo Ghoul. Xiao relates to Kaneki and never admits he actually likes the anime.

It was about 9pm when I went home, drowning myself in sad music, then really angry music.

That was what I felt, anger.

The cynical thoughts clouded my head and wrapped themselves around my neck. My emotions were practically suffocating me.

I barely slept and even right now I'm just punching and kicking the boxing bag in the garage.

I hear my phone buzz again, it's been going at it all morning. I get that my friends are worried but it's enough with a message or two right?

It buzzes again.

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