chapter 2

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As soon as I walked out if the dinning hall, I went straight to the parking lot where my driver has been waiting f noor me in the car. I don't know why I just fucking hate that guy, girls are always around him. I don't know what they see in him though. But he is very cute I'll admit. He has cat like blue eyes and an oval face with pinks lips. And he had blonde hair.

As I got home, I saw my father which was very unusual. He was home early and was preparing launch, I could tell because as soon as I entered the house he came out of the kitchen with an apron.

"Welcome back honey, in preparing launch and I'd like you to join me" he said with a smile on his face.

I just nodded and went upstairs to my room. I went to freshen up first and when I was done, I wore a black sports bra, black big lackers shirt and black baggy knicker . I lay down on my bed and started to study and make research. After some time I got distracted by a knock on my door.

"Ma'am your father wants you downstairs, launch is ready" said Mariam the head servant.

I got up from my bed and wore my black Crocks then I went to the dinning room.

"Honey do you have plans for tonight? My dad asked breaking the awkward silence between us.

"I don't go anywhere apart from school so definitely no plans" I replied.

"That's great, well I'm having an event tonight. I'm launching a new product for my company today and as my successor, it would be fantastic you

"Just tell me the time and location and trust me we are gonna be there" a feminine voice said behind me.

I turned around to see who it was because the voice sounded so familiar, and lo and behold it was my bestie Trisha.

I don't know how to express my happiness so I just stood up and stared at her and before I could breath a word she hugged me. As usual I timed her and pulled away from the hug.

I and Trisha goes way back, we've been friends since kindergarten and never left each other for years until she traveled to Canada to study medicine.

"I've missed you so much love, and I'm back with a lot of good news and plans for us so get ready" she said excitedly before she proceeded to sit on the chair beside me and started dishing food for herself and started shoving it in her mouth.

"Uncle wade, what time is the party gonna start? so we can get ready" she asked.

"Well it's 9 pm so you guys still have like five hours till then to get ready" he replied.

" I'll be in my room" I said as I stood up to leave.

"Hey wait up girl we have to go together" she said as she stood up too.

We both left the dinning leaving my dad alone.

"Why were you late today? I thought we've talked about this? What is if with you?his uncle asked sounding angry.

" I forget a few things at home and I came back to get them that's all, it's not a big issue uncle" Jayson replied.

"Where were you this morning? Just tell me the truth" his uncle said trying to sound calm.

"Nowhere okay, I'm sorry I won't go late again I promise" he said trying to avoid further questions.

"Jayson, son please I'm begging you, just forget about it and move on please. They are gone for three years now but you don't want to let it go. Just do it for your parents I'm not sure they'll be happy seeing you this" his uncle said with so much concern in his voice.

"It's not easy, I'm trying my best ok, they were all I ever lived for" Jayson said with teary eyes as he went upstairs to go get ready for the party.

He went upstairs to take a shower. He filled the bathtub with warm water and foam. He just lay down in the bathtub, staring at the ceiling and drifted into a deep pit of thoughts. He has been in there for hours unknown to him and his uncle was getting worried about him because it was almost time for the party and he wasn't out yet.

"Hey Tod please go check on your cousin" he said with worry.

He entered the room without knocking and the room was dark like no one was in it, he switched on the lights but the room was still dim because the lights were not bright, he walked towards the bathroom door and knocked.
"Jayson, Jayson" he called out while knocking but there was no response.
"Jayson dad said it's time" he said again and there was no response. He opened the bathroom door and screamed on top of his voice.

"WTF!OMG! I'm sorry I'm coming out now" he sounded like someone who just woke up from a deep slumber

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