Chapter 3

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Back at my place Trish was going through my clothes while I was taking a bath. She picked a black body fitted dinner gown that had a slit at my left leg from the the bottom of my thigh down to the ground. It had a long sleeve net hand and it ran up to her neck. It was a round neck gown. It had sequence which made it shiny. It really revealed my hips and all.
When I was done dressing up I wore black stilettos and a little make up and Trish added glitters around my right eye. She also wore a red long dinner gown she ordered while I was taking my bath. It had a silver belt and it was a v-neck gown. She styled her hair in a low bun twist she also had her make up done and also applied glitter around her right eye.
Before we left the room, I remembered she said she has good news so I just asked because I was eager to hear it.

"Trish what's the good news you said you had to tell me?" I asked hoping to hear something good because anytime Trisha talks about a good news just know that she is going to end up telling you something annoying.

"Well I wanted to wait until after the party but since you asked........"she turned away from the mirror and now she was facing me"I'm going to start Pomona college next week. My dad has already processed my entry before I came back from Canada" she said in a lot of excitement while I just flashed a smile at her and we walked out of the room.
My dad has left already so we just rode in my car.
We were quiet and I enjoyed it, Trish was just focused on her phone all through and I was just thinking about other things at the moment.

"Do you Know have a boyfriend?" She asked with enthusiasm breaking my thinking track.

"Huh?" I just stared at her because I was a bit lost.

"Do you have a boyfriend now or you are just still single?" She repeated.

"I don't do love and you know it. I don't want any stress in my life talk more of love. I have my education and future to think of and relationship is not in any of that" I simply said while staring outside the window.

"Girl you need to stop saying that and get your shit together. Your attitude is what's pushing all the boys away and I think it's high time you stop being so cold and let them love you" she said with a wink. I don't know if she knew I was irritated but I was.

"If you had a good attitude why don't you have a boyfriend? Your life is so messed up that guys wants to stay away from you. Fix yourself before talking about me ok. And please I don't want to talk about this with you again it's my life and don't interfere" Ariana said calmly but her words were very cold.

"You know, maybe this is why your mom left. She couldn't deal with this your shitty self" Trisha said with tears in her eyes and looked outside the window.

As soon as Trish finished talking the car stopped. Ariana was the first to get down and slammed the door hard, without looking back at Trisha she walked away towards the back of the hall.

There was a pool at the back, small lights were everywhere and a tent by the side with a small table and a long chair outside it.

She walked up to the chair and sat on it and then started crying. Memories of her mom came back flashing in her head. She cried helplessly and blaming herself for everything that happened.

"Mom are we there yet?" A ten year old Ariana was asking and pulling her mom's hand.

"Baby calm down, okay? We will soon be there and we will see dad" Brianna said trying to calm her over enthusiazed daughter down.

Her dad was just arriving from a business after a month, and they were going to pick him up from the airport. The driver wanted to go as it was his job but Brianna insisted on going to pick him after picking Ariana from school. But she wished she hasn't took Ariana along so she wouldn't get distracted.

"Daddy? You didn't tell me that we were going to see dad. I'm so happy"
"Mom let's get something for Daddy please mom" Ariana begged with Misty eyes.

"Baby, look we can't stop here now, but I promise we will stop soon" her mom assured her with a smile.

"No, no ,no mom I want us to stop now" Ariana yanked her mom's hand from the stirring wheel, trying to persuade her.

In the process the mom lost control of the car and while trying to control it, Brianna got into the wrong lane and a very fast moving truck was heading towards their car and when all hope was lost, Brianna carried Ariana on her lap and bent over to protect her and boom the trailer hit the car and crushed it. Ariana was just injured and unconscious for two days. When she woke up she sought for her mom and was told that her mom was safe.

And later that week she was told that her mom was gone and she was left with her dad.

Back to the present day.......

Ariana cried and cried until her phone started ringing. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was her dad.

She wiped her tears and gained composure before answering the call."Hello dad".

"Ariana, where are you? Are you okay? Tell me where you are so I'll come and see you" her dad said in a rush.

"I am at the back of the building I'm coming in now" immediately she said that she hung up and arranged her gown and touched up her make up then she left and went inside.

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