chapter 7

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The week quickly ran by and for the week I've been avoiding my father and anything that reminds me of that night.
Today Trisha is going start at my school for her masters. And well I'm excited but can't express it.

At school, Trisha's car was already waiting for mine to arrive. My car parked behind hers, I sent her a message that I've arrived. She came out of her car and the driver drove off. And the walked to my car and knocked on the window. I came down and walked with her into the school compound.

So many guys were staring at Trisha because she was beautiful and had a great figure and her aura was very friendly and approachable, they stole a few glances at me but were scared to keep doing so because of my cold and intimidating aura.

"Wow who's that girl with Ariana? She is beautiful"

"Yeah she really is, but still can't be compared to Ariana"

"You are right man, even if Ariana doesn't smile she is still more beautiful than all the girls in this school"

"You can say that again. But I'm so curious about that girl"

"She looks rich but she's not familiar"

"Shhsh, they are getting closer"

The guys talking just now quieted down the moment they got close.

"Baby, please smile just once. I want to show they whole of Toronto University what my baby looks like" Trisha begged for a smile in one selfies.

She's been making videos and now she wants a selfie.

"No" I replied firmly.

"Baby please just once I'm begging you, I won't ask for another. I promise" she continues pleading.

"Just one, alright?" I asked

Her eyes lit up and she nodded happily like a child"yes yes just one".

She raised the camera and took a selfie of both of us. I smiled and after the shot I was back to normal.

"Thank you baby, I'll keep this photo forever and ever. You look so cute in it, I'm so tempted to kiss your dimples right now" Trisha kept looking at the picture.

"Stop yapping nonsense ok. It's not that good" I shrugged.

I mean how good could it be? It's just a picture it's nothing big.

"Whatever that's your business. I'm off to the adminstrative block, I'll have to see the chancellor" Trisha said.

"Okay go on first, I'll be going to my department" I waved her good bye and left the corridor.

After the morning classes, Trisha and I went to the dinning hall for lunch.

After settling down at a corner, the freak ran up to me. He say down panting for air, Trisha was shocked by his presence.

"Ariana, Ariana.... Have you seen the school's post today? He asked still panting.

"Is that why you ran here like a crazy dog looking for it's owner? , and what post are you talking about?" I asked a little impatient.

"You .." he pointed at me. "Your smile is so beautiful that you have been tagged the most beautiful girl that walked the Halls of Pomona college. I still can't believe that you are so beautiful, though you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen bit coupled with that smile I feel like dying. I used the picture for everything on my phone" Jayson said.

"What?!" Trisha exclaimed as she snatched Jayson's phone looked at the post.

"Baby it's true, your are trending. How did they get the pic we took this morning. Baby check your class group" Trisha said still looking at the pic.

"What's your name again?" I asked him trying to remember.

"What the hell? I've been your friend for a week and you still don't know my name?" He was shocked. " Anyway forget it, my name is Jayson okay, J-AY-S-O-N"

"Mm, Jayson who posted this and how did the person get this photo? I asked.

" He claims to have seen you taking a pic with this lady over here and then took the shot when you smiled" he replied.

"Whatever, I don't care as long as it's nothing bad, let me trend" I replied.

" Ahem, am I supposed to know the young man Ari?" Trisha asked.

I looked up lazily and said" Trisha meet Jayson and Jayson, Trisha my best friend".
" Best friend? I thought you don't have friends, well now I'm second making me disappointed" he pouted " I'm Jayson nice to meet you".

"I'm Trisha Harper nice to meet you too" she smiled so elegantly.

Soon the day ran by and I went home. My dad was home and I have been trying to avoid him for a while now. As I entered the house he was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Ari you're back" my dad said as he stood up and walked towards me.

I ignored him wanting to go up stairs.

"Your mom's memorial is coming up soon and I'm not sure she'll be happy when we are not on good terms. I Know I'm in the wrong but i did it for our family, I wanted us to be happy. But I'm sorry if my way of happiness hurt you. Please let's forget about it"

I slowly turned around" it's fine dad but promise me you'll never do that again."

He smiled and nodded. We hugged each other and had dinner together.

"Ari, can you come over to the office tomorrow? I want you to familiarize yourself with the office" dad said.

"Mm, I'll go over tomorrow. I have a project to finish at the office and submit in school. I'll accompany you tomorrow" I replied after much thinking.

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