chapter 4

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Jayson's POV

I went to the tent 30 minutes after we arrived at the party, the place was boring and filled with business men and women. My cousin Tod was already associating with them. I just went out to get fresh air.

I sat in the tent drinking a bottle of vodka when I heard footsteps approaching. I stood up to look who it was and was shocked to find Ariana sitting silently on the long wooden chair outside the tent. I wanted to go and meet her but as I took a few step approaching her I heard her sobbing like she just lost someone important to her. I just stood at the enterance of the tent and watch her closely. She seemed to be lost in thought and suddenly she cried harder.

She was so tough when she is with people but so soft on the inside, even her stare made people scared in school. She was a snub, she only talked few times with my brother and she didn't seem to be really interested in conversing with him.

I was about to take a step forward when her phone began to ring.

"Hello dad" she said sounding like she has been fine all along.

I couldn't hear what the her father was saying.

"I am at the back of the building, I'm coming in now" she said and hung up the call. As soon as she stood up I hid back inside the tent and I watched her walk away so gracefully.

What could make a hard hearted Ariana Donahue cry like that? Mmmm...... People did have issues disturbing them.

Ariana POV
I walked inside the hall and I could feel that people were staring at me, but as usual I ignored them and walked ahead.

I saw my dad and some people talking and I walked towards them.

"And here comes my jewel and the heiress to my companies" dad said on seeing me arrive.

The people smiled at me expecting same from me but I just looked at them blankly and returned my gaze to my dad.

"It's nice to see all of you, I hope we mix very well in business" I said as I looked back at the people.

"Your daughter is so beautiful Donahue, I want my son for her and then there will be a good relationship between the two companies" Mrs Parker said making me to give her a very cold look causing her to shut up.

"Oh no, haha my daughter....."

" Is not interested in any thing other than business" I said and walked away from them.

I sat down at a table and suddenly someone sat opposite me. I looked up and saw a familiar face.

"Hey" Tod said to me and sat down.

"Hi" I replied and faced down.

"I didn't know you'd come" he said acting surprised.

"Neither did I" I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"So... Umm.... I'll just go, I'll see you next Tomorrow in school and I'll call you tomorrow" Tod said and rushed away.

I looked at him and wondered why he was so timid around me and harsh to the public. I pushed that out of my head and then I felt someone staring at me from the left part of the hall. I turned around and saw that crazy late coming freak.

As soon as I looked at him he looked away and i Snickered at his childishness he is so hilarious. I turned to look ahead and found Trisha staring intently at me. I stared back at her.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said those words, I'm deeply sorry please. I promise I won't talk about it again and.....

Before she could finish, I stood up and hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry too Trish"

I pulled away when I heard her crying." Hey stop that, you know i don't like it" I sound like a mom petting her crying child.

She laughed at the look on my face" I love you so much Ariana"

A loud sound came from the stage and I looked towards the direction where it was coming from and saw my dad on the stage.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen" the hall quieted down

"I'm so honored to have you all prestigious people here. I've come so far in my business and there comes a time in a man's life when he has to rest....."

He said so many things and finally the big announcement.

"Please welcome my daughter Ariana Donahue" he said and applauds filled the air as I walked to the stage and stood beside him.

"I'll be passing on my business to her in a year and now, today I want to introduce her as the new C.O.O  of the Donahue holdings" another round of applause.

I was already getting too much attention which I didn't like.

"And finally please welcome Tod Ferdinand" again applause filled the air.
"This young man here is my daughter's betrothed and....."

Before my dad could finish I walked down the stage and out of the hall. Trisha followed suit. We got into the car and drove off.

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